Forum Rules & Announcements
Check here frequently for news & announcements!
These rules apply to both posting in threads AND in the chat.
1) Please maintain a civil manner and tone. This is a friendly forum with a wide variety of people from lots of different places. We will not all agree on issues. Feel free to express yourself, but name calling, personal insults, and baiting will not be tolerated. Profanity is permitted in it's proper context.
2) While the use of marijuana is becoming legal in some states, we still ask that all members refrain from associating it with hookah. We have enough critics out there as it is.
3) Some banned vendors have their own products. Because we like to keep Hookah Forum as open as possible, members may discuss these products, so long as the vendor's name is not mentioned.
4) Multiple accounts, with the exception of Vendors who are expected to create personal accounts for non-business posts, are not allowed. Creating another account to get around a suspension or ban is not allowed. Posting for people who have been banned or suspended is also not allowed.
5) Display Names may not be business names or web sites unless you an official Vendor or Advertiser. If you want your name to promote your business please contact Mushrat or Chreees.
6) Vendors may make their business known one of two ways. They may pay for "Vendor" status or they may buy Banner Advertising. Both are available through the "Store" or by contacting Mushrat or Chreees. Vendors are also to keep business related posts, such as special offers and new product announcements, to a single Official thread created by an Admin or Mod. Sending Private Messages (PM's) to someone who is looking for an item or product is not permitted. Vendors MAY use their business names for screen names and MAY place links in their Signatures and on their Profiles. If your business sells drug paraphernalia or anything illegal it will NOT be allowed to advertise on Hookah Forum. Please contact an Admin (Mushrat or Chreees) to discuss a Vendor thread.
7) The Review Sections are for reviews only. Please read the separate thread about posting in these sections before posting there.
8) Many subforums have their own set of rules and guidelines. Please read them for specifics.
9) Suspension duration will vary depending on the severity of the offense and history of the individual member. These are set by the Moderators and Administrators and are not open to discussion.
10) Posts may be edited, moved, or deleted at the discretion of the Moderators and Administrators. You may ask for clarification of a given action.
11) If you have any questions, please feel free to PM a Moderator. We'd rather answer a question ahead of time than take action later.
12) While other hookah-related forums do exist, we ask that they not be referenced in posts. There is some bad history with several and we wish to keep things peaceful.
13) Notices often come to your e-mail, make sure your filters are set to allow messages so they don't end up in your spam folders.
14) Temporary email addresses will not be allowed. If you use a temporary email service to register and you are discovered, your account will be removed.
15) Most importantly, have fun!
10 topics in this forum
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