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How To Insert A Heba Diffuser Down The Vase - Video

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How to Insert a Heba Diffuser down the Vase
After posting my last video of 'how to install a Heba Diffuser' someone asked how do you insert the diffuser down the Mya Gyro Vase. The first few times it might detach and and fall into the vase because of the size of the Large Heba Diffuser. This problem is dicussed in the video.

Here is the link Edited by RayVer
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i guess all of these arent made equal. ill try to force it next time, and post a video of my own! i also just got in my raffle won egyptian from nazarhookah (thanks again mahir) and the small should work on that
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there might be a slight difference with your vase and mine but trust me mine seemed like I couldn't insert it down the vase when I first got it...Another thing I forgot to mention in the video is make sure you wet the top of the vase where the opening is where the diffuser will come in contact with the vase
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Hey, I'm a new user both to this forum and to hookah smoking in general. I want to purchase a Heba Defuser but I dont know if it will fit down the neck of my hookah. I have a "Junior 2 Hose" (dont make fun haha). Anyway any advice would help. Thanks
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