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Truth,Fantasy,History ,Culture

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3 Cheers For Jimmy Hoffa!

Junior that is,not the one suMFosedly buried in the Meadowlands. Finally people are beginning to stand up against the Tea Party. Its nice to see some spirited progressives like Hoffa, Maxine Waters and Rep. Carson awakening to realize what the Tea Party is up to. The rich of America have decided they want our wealth and they are in the process of taking it. Wall St gambles your earnings away,banks rip you off and sell you junk bonds to invest your retirement money in. The vision these guys have



Ascendancy Of The Far Right

Anders Breivik brought world attention to the fringes of the far right in Norway. With the resurgency of Islam, Europe once again awakens the fears first kindled by the Arab conquest of Spain,the Crusades,the fall of Constantinople and the Turks at the gates of Vienna. Laws are passed to restrict Muslim attire,ban minarets and other such Islamophobic actions that only heighten the tension between Islam and the west. In Israel a militant right wing Netanyahu seems about to erode the gains made at



Tying The Mouth Of The Sack

In an older history of the Middle Ages, the author refers to the nomad control of the Eurasian steMFe as tyning the mouth of the sack. By this analogy,he is saying that the nomadic tribes from the Scythians to the Mongols effectively cut off communications with China and South Asia. Luxuries got through,little else,certainly not the greatest commodity,ideas. Yet a recent history on the effects of Genghiz Khan and his Mongol invasion says that singular nomad control of the entire Eurasian steMFe



The Delusional Pandemic

Mu’ammar Qadaffi sits somewhere in a hole in Libya making radio broadcasts to exhort his subjects to rise,women,children,all to drive the “rats” out of Tripoli. Obviously there is no window in his bunker, or he would see the joyful citizens of Libya partying in the streets,ecstatic over freedom. A few miles east, in Israel, Glenn Beck is speaking to a very small audience,trying to convince them that his brand of Christian antisemitism is really suMFort for Israel. A few on the Israeli right are



Celebratory Gunfire

08/21/2011 I’ve often wondered about this,what with all the videos coming out of Libya and the Middle East,and also having spent more than one New Year’s Eve in American cities where this custom is adhered to on certain holidays. Here are some statistics from Wikipedia: Bullets fired into the air usually fall back at speeds much lower than those at which they leave the barrel of a firearm. Nevertheless, people are injured, sometimes fatally, when bullets discharged into the air fall back down



Nature Bats Last: Radical Political Theology

This piece by Robert Jensen,aMFeared on Al Jazeera.com 8/18/2001. I think it pretty much speaks the truth about what is haMFening on the planet today. To listen to Rick Perry deny climate change while Texas is sweltering at 100+ temps and experiencing a massive drought, shows me foolish this political ploy is, what its about is that corporations don’t want to spend money on environmental concerns,and are soley interested in profit. Here’s Mr. Jensen’s piece “My title is ambitious and ambiguous



London's Burning Part 2

There was an interesting op-ed piece on CCN.com by Dennis Kenney analyzing the British response anand wondering what the police response be in America, should such riots break out. "And finally, we in the United States should recognize that the youth unemployment and other conditions that led to the conflicts in London exist here, as well. In our case, potential rioters are far better armed than are those in the U.K. so we would be well advised to pay attention and learn the lessons fro



London's Burning

The interesting thing about the riots in Great Britain is David Cameron's response. Using words like thSPAM!!!ery and vowing to arrest all involved,including an 11 year old kid shows a complete lack of understanding as to what the situation really is. Its not about race, although that was a trigger,its about socioeconomic issues Mr Cameron refused to acknowledge. No matter what your socioeconomic class, you have no right......etc drones Cameron from his lily white A



Pirates Of The Caribbean And Elsewhere

My lady is a great fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean and especially of Jack Sparrowt got me wondering about pirates in general. Not the nicest guys on the block. Basically they were thieves of the sea,mSPAM!!!ers of the Mer,ocean going outlaw bikers. Will we ever see the movie Pirates of Somalia? A romantic epic about Arab corsairs on the Mediterrean? Cuthroat pirates of China sea? Probably not very likely. Yet we romanticize the pirates of 18th century Spanish M



Thank You All!

We reached a last minute debt ceiling agreement! A win-win proposition for all. Sorry,Charlie,its lose-lose for all. Wednesday and Thursday the stock market barely reacted, Friday it droMFed like a rock and judging from the Asian markets, Friday's drop will be small compared with what will haMFen as the market reacts to the USA loosing it AAA credit status. Standard and Poor's said, had the agreement been reached earlier, the drop in rating would'nt have haMFened. Yes, thanks Republicans,



The Founding Fathers

Amongst and Tea Party and other conservative commentators,there is a lot of talk of the Founding Fathers. They seem to sSPAM!!!est a return to the principles of these men. Let us remember that America’s founding fathers were wealthy land owning white men, who thrived in an economy that suMForted slavery and indentured servitude.



A Reckoning

A reckoning is rapidly aMFroaching. Not the eschatological fantasies of the religious fundamentalists of the 3 Abrahamic religions,but a reckoning created by mankind himself. The perfect storm is forming. Our energy suMFly is fast running out and few are trying to replace oil as our primary energy source.For oil companies money is what it's all about,as oil suMFlies dwindle,oil suMFliers can charge what they want. No one wants to eliminate that windfall by promoting such low cost solution



Way To Go,joe

Vice President Joe Biden has reputation for speaking his mind. And now he speaks for me also. He suMFosedly called the Tea Party people terrorists. He didn't get much press coverage on it for whatever reasons,but he speaks truth. The Tea party held America hostage with the debt ceiling, a totally manufactured event to bring down Obama. I am not saying that we don't need to cut spending,but remember our budget was balanced in 2000. So now the right is telling all who listen that now the evi



The American Taliban

I have used the words,American Taliban before to describe the far right Christian fundamentalists,here is an article from Al Jazeera tha gets it right: American Taliban



Amy Winehouse Died For Our Sins

As a recovering alcoholic and drug addict the passing of Amy Winehouse brings a certain sadness and concern to my world. Celebrities are mirrors upon which we can view our lives. I always liked Amy,more for her bad girl style than for her music .She was the archtype, the image of the kind of women I was drawn to thru much of my life. I watched her strSPAM!!!le with addiction and felt pain in my heart. She died at 27, the same age as Jim Morrison,Jimi Hendrix,Janis Jo



Nasruddin Addresses Congress On The Debt Ceiling

Nasreddin was invited to deliver congress. When he got on the podium, he asked, Do you know what I am going to say? The audience replied “no”, so he announced, I have no desire to speak to people who don’t even know what I will be talking about! and left.The people felt embarrassed and called him back again the next day. This time, when he asked the same question, the people replied yes. So Nasreddin said, Well, since you already know what I am going to say, I won’t waste any more of your time



Dumb And Dumber

I wonder what is going on in the minds of our Republican legislators playing chicken with the budget and bringing us closer to default.They need their heads examined. Default would impact our economy in negative ways, the market will drop,the dollar will drop,it will cost more for us to borrow money due to the risk. Certain government payments that people depend on would halt for a while. Remember back in April when we were faced with a government shut down, the Republicans,or at least som



What Smaller Government Means

Conservatives and Libertarians talk alot about moving toward smaller government. What does that really mean? Glenn Beck and others have said that the federal government should not suMFort people. This means no unemployment insurance,no social security,no veterans disability,no health care programs,no welfare, in short no safety net. Like George H.W. Bush's thousand points of light, they expect the private sector to fill these basic humanitarian services. I hear little talk about foreign a



Hookah And Sex

The picture may be found HERE Again apologies for posting it in the forum My sSPAM!!!estion Sex then hookah



Resource Wars

While America is concentrating on the diminishing resources of Middle Eastern and her domestic drilling policy hampered by environmental concerns,China has grabbed alot of the oil beneath the sands of Central Asia. But as the ice recedes up North, American politicians debate the reality of global warming,spurred on by big oil,who would rather make obscene profit rather than spend a lot of developing new sources. Meanwhile, a recent study has shown that the Arctic may contain 22% of the world's o



On The Death Of Osama Bin Laden

Things on the serious discussion forum are getting inflammatory,so I'll post my rebuttal here. Besides listening what some of my colleagues have posted,I listened to some conservative talk radio and heard about the same thing. Just about anything to disconnect president Obama from getting any credit for this action. I've heard the Geo.W.Bush did it song alot, he set the stage,did the leg work,aMFroved the torture that some right wing types believe was necessary to do the deed. I've heard the ill



And Now...a Word From Our Sponsor

Nasruddin Hodja and the Scorpion Nasruddin Hodja and a friend were sitting beside a river. As they watched the water flow by, a scorpion making its way along the riverbank tumbled into the water and began to strSPAM!!!le and drown. Without hesitation, Nasruddin reached in and plucked the scorpion from the water. As he placed it on the bank, the scorpion stung his hand. A few minutes later, the same scorpion sliMFed into the river again. Once more, Narsuddin rescue



Arab Spring Syria

In the spring of 1982, Rifaat al Assad, brother of the president Hafez al Assad led Syrian police and military forces,complete with tanks,artillery and bulldozers on an attack on the city of Hama. Hama has frequently in the past been a center of dissention to the Baathist,Alawi government of hafez al Assad. It has been estimated that between 30,000 to 40,000 people died in what became known as the Hama massacre. Much of the old city was subsequently bulldozed out of existence. Today we see the S



Orange John Boehner's Path To Prosperity Tuna Noodle Casserole

Direct from the GOP's recipe book. 1 can 9 Lives Tuna 1 can Campbells Cream of Mushroom ( whoops cant afford, pick mushrooms in your yard instead) 1 lb egg noodles(unfortunately 9 lives does not make noodles, visit Big Lots and buy quanitity, you're going to be eating alot of this shit) 1 cup milk(oh too expensive use water) 1 can peas( preferably store brand) 1 cup bread crumbs( old stale bread is sometimes available at Salvation Army Thrift stores) Cook noodles as directed Combine wi



The American Taliban

At a Sufi shrine in Dera Ghazi Khan in Pakistan 2 suicide bombers blew themselves up at the gate of the shrine killing 41 people. These radical extremist Islamists find the joyful celebration of Sufism as,in their opinion, contrary to their interpretation of Qu'ran,Sharia and Hadith.So they blow their co religionists up. In Mazar I Sharif and Kandahar in Afghanistan,politically motivated mullahs reacted to an obscure Florida pastor who burned a Qu'ran. They killed UN employees,not the pastor,inn



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