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About this blog

Alright, so I've already posted about it and I've decided to create a blog pertaining to my research, development, and breakthroughs into the idea of creating coloured hookah smoke. This will be a cultivation of extreme longevity into my time and efforts spent bringing this idea into fruition and hopefully, once finished and tested, gaining a popularity for it.

Entries in this blog

HOLY S***!!

Holy s*** people, I'm f***ing retarded. I just had a conversation with my buddy who enlightened me on the actual working of a hookah. Shows how little I know and how much I smoke instead Turns out...coloured smoke has already been around!! A f***ing smoke machine can be adapted for coloured smoke using a mixture of glycerol, water, and food dye. It's completely safe to inhale because people use smoke machines at gatherings all the time. Also...charcoal is not the way to go. Once again, charcoal



A small breakthrough!!

Following my last post, I talked about dyes and their application into the water base of the hookah. Dye the water, dye the smoke...right? Wrong!! I looked back and gave some thought into the actual process of how a hookah works. Dyeing the water will, in fact, not dye the smoke. It's just gonna sit there and look pretty...lol. So that got me thinking...the water base in the hookah is meant to cool and filter the smoke, so that it doesn't burn the hell out of your lungs.  Light cigarettes use a



Initail Research

So I've done only two days of research and about a week of thought process. It will be much longer before I'll have the time and resources available to me to go more in depth into this development. My initial thought process was that in order to color the smoke coming through the hookah, would be to color the water. This led to a good amount of time spent going online and researching dyes, their properties, and hazards to the human body. All I was able to find was the process for dyeing clothes,



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