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Day-to-day life of the average hookah smoker.

Entries in this blog

Winter is coming! .... And So Is Christmas ....

Hello again, hookah forum!     I really want to start being more consistent in the way I write these blog entries. So far, everything has been happening so fast that it's difficult to find a solid block of time in order to sit down and write. So, thankfully, I get to take this afternoon and spend the time doing something at least relatively productive - writing! I've always loved reading and writing, but as I've grown up and been shoved into this thing called "adulting," I haven't really ha



Late Nights/Tired Thoughts

The entries where I'm too tired to think always end up being the best ones I make, somehow or other. It's almost like I access a different part of my head when I'm too tired for sleep.     I'm not smoking right now, unfortunately. I haven't been able to sleep at all tonight, and it's currently 3:40 am here. As tired as I am, I find myself gravitating towards somewhere I can get my thoughts out into the open, to air them out like I'm getting rid of stale are in an old room. And plus, it does



The One After the Long Break :/

It's been too long since I've written here!     I've spent some time in BC, and the people I stayed with were NOT smokers! Not necessarily that I am either .... other than hookahs. Safe to say though, that it's been way too long since I've smoked anything at all, and I can't wait to start again! I think the first flavour I'm excited to start off with after such a long break would be my classic "go-to" flavour - two apples. I've smoked several bowls in a row before .... it may have been over



Little Rants About Nothing

Hello, hookah forum!     It is official - I am now re-obsessed with posting in this forum! I'm back yet again, but I'm at least glad it's Wednesday (even though it's 1 am) so that it doesn't look like I just spent the last three days job hunting and posting in this forum .... which is exactly what I've been doing .... and I just admitted it on a public forum. I'm just glad that I have something to do and a place where I can take my writing to a public level. I actually do love writing, and



Odds, Ends, And Extra Thoughts

3:12 pm, Monday. Hey hookah forum!     I'm definitely imagining that I'm going to very quickly become re-obsessed with blogging here. With moving, I find that I'm either super busy or super bored. Anyone else have this problem? I'm going through it right now. This is in one of those moments that I'm a little bored and looking for something to do. I'm in the middle of finding a job, and I'm really hopeful that I might hear back from Harvey's. It's been about a week, and I have no idea i




Hello, forum!     It's been a while since I last posted - a handful of days over a month! I hope all of you here in the forum had an amazing Christmas and New Years Eve/Day! I celebrated it smoking a hookah! I've been pretty distracted and busy lately, which is why I haven't been posting. As of late December/early January, I've moved out of my family home and I'm now rooming with a few friends. I love the area I'm now living in because of how accessible everything is where I'm located. My p



New Years' Eve

Hello hookah forum!     I hope you're all having an amazing time celebrating the very last day of 2017! It's been quite the busy time at my family house, but it's also been an amazing Christmas season. I celebrated with the usual - multiple bowls of shisha and catching up with friends over text. As a side note, I love the fact that hookah smoke smells as amazing as it does - even if I don't necesarily like the flavour itself, the smoke always smells incredible. My absolute favourite smell i



PTX Rant and Other Off-Topics

Hello again forum!     It's relatively early Saturday morning, and Christmas is only two days away! I'm not necessarily anticipating any hookah-related items (in fact, my mother is beginning to suspect I have one :S), and truthfully I have absolutely no idea what I want. I said I wasn't sure, so surprise me. This will be an interesting Christmas! (As an aside, a puppy would be great!)     So I'm a fan of Pentatonix - I love the band! They put out tons of great content and have really i



Christmas Shopping Distractions

Hello hookah forum!     Does anyone else have the problem where they magically just find themselves in a hookah shop or a head shop that sells hookah things .... and they're looking for hookah parts/shisha/other hookah items before they get most, if not all, of their Christmas shopping done? That's a perfect description of how my holiday shopping is going right now. I'll sooner find myself almost accidentally in these types of shops before I've even gotten any other shopping done. These sho



Guilty Little Habits

Hello blog!     I am definitely one to indulge in guilty little habits. If smoking a hookah didn't automatically qualify, drinking excess amounts of caffeine might! I absolutely love drinking Monster energy drinks. I bought six a week ago (No Frills had an amazing sale on them!) and the cashier gave me this look, like I was nuts. Hey, I never said I was gonna drink them all at once. And, they make great morning coffee replacement drinks, especially since I don't always have the time to make



New Flavour!

4:15 pm, Friday afternoon Hello fellow hookah smokers!     The nice thing about where I work is that we have this little Middle Eastern "supermarket" store close to us that's actually got TONS of authentic hookahs, lots of shisha brands and flavours just behind the counters, and REALLY cool Middle Eastern foods, pastries, and other items that literally made me feel like I could look out of the window and see a street that's somewhere in Turkey or Israel. I felt really out of place with



Late-Night Reflections

Hello again to my readers!     I've begun to realize that my favourite kinds of smoking sessions are late at night, especially when they hover around the midnight-to-one-am hours. I know the night is still relatively young to be smoking, but here I am, doing my own little session in the bathtub (yes, that's how I do things 'round here .... if anything catches on fire, at least my bathtub also has a shower option I can turn on just in case). I'm smoking a lemon-flavoured Shisha right now. It



First blog post

First blog post here in the forum! While it's not necessarily my very first blog post ever, but definitely one of the ones I can count on one hand.     It's a beautiful December day in the GTA, 2 in the afternoon, and my day's barely gotten started. Productivity does not exist with me today. So, in lieu of that, I decided to at least do something with my day - hence the blog post. It's something to keep me busy and productive as I chill with my dogs on a Sunday afternoon.     A laid-ba



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