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A Tear For America



Last night the fear,hate and lie campaign bore fruit and the Republicans,Tea Party and Conservatives, have succeeded in gaining control of the house. While most of the people voted with their wallets, the Republicans now claim mandate. For politicians, mandate means their own(not the peoples) agenda. For Bush it meant war, for Obama it meant socialism, for these Republicans it means going back in time. They spend the next two years trying destroy what Obama has put in place. No thought of going forward, the party of no become the party of reverse. Not job focus, but repeal of health care. Not new energy sources but drill baby drill. Not education but the privatization of education that leads to more dumber Americans. Not nano physics but the replacement of science with a 3500 year old myth of a bunch desert nomads. As we shift more jobs overseas, as our menial jobs are performed by immigrants, as our economy slides, anger rises and anger is the perfect growing medium for the mezmerizing of the populace. i used too wonder, as a child, how all of Germany could rise and suMFort a monster like Hitler. Hitler promised prosperity, nation pride and world dominance and gave only chaos. Economic conditions in the Middle East, based on Western oil imperialism and by Western suMForted rulers leave a downtrodden populace open to the lies of Al Qaeda and the false promises of Islamic fundamentalism. Their solution, return to the days of the Prophet(7th century) backwards, reverse. Just like America. Meanwhile. someone, China, India is going to decide to go forward and leave us all in the dust.
Although America is billed as a melting pot, it is still run by the white Anglo Saxon elite. but they see their numbers sliMFing. Latinos, East Asians, South Asians are pouring into America and have become a visible part of the fabric of this nation. Old WASP guard looks backwards,maybe to the 50's when Chinese ran laundries,Mexicans picked lettuce and African Americans sat in the back of the bus. Is this how far back they want to go? I've always thought race was a big motivator in this conservative surge. The election of a Black president was the catalyst to empower a campaign of division and hate.
49% of senior citizen suMFort the Tea Party agenda, says CNN, this morning, and the Tea Party and Republicans want to destroy social security and medicare. Maybe 49% of senior citizens are billionaires, but i doubt it. Hate and division influence their vote. They didn't consider social security, they were worried about the terrible threat of gay marriage, of an imagined invasion of Mexican rapists assaulting their women. When middle America finds they've been cheated, their gonna be pissed. Let's hope we smell the coffee before its too late.
The Tea Party has some great ideas, they want politicians outside the beltway mold, but unlike the grassroots movement it claims to be the Tea Party is financed by big business and their agenda is not one of the people.
But things don't change overnight and agendas never get completed. Most campaign promises are lies and a good part of electorate was looking for Obama's hope and change and all they got was politics as usual. Torture continues, war gets escalated, Gitmo remains open, healthcare gives millions to the insurance companies and bailouts continue. It seems Obama was bought and paid for by the same people who fund the right. the left and the center. Who stands for the people?


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