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Why Are Liberals Wimps?



In a post in the serious discussion forum, The Scotsmans parapharsed James Carvilles comment about Hillary giving Obama one of her balls so he had two. Today the lame duck, democratic majority Senate shot down two bills on the soon to expire Bush tax cuts. The first renewed the cuts for those making less than $200G and 250 G for couples. It sunk like the Titanic. The second measure called for tax cut renewed for those who make under $1 million a years. It too went down in flames. Why the hell can't the Democratic do anything with solidarity. You have to admire the GOP, they set the stage and all the party members obey party line. AMFarently for the Dems, there must be too much money being given out to those who vote for the rich. Also attached to this are extensions for unemployment. When is America going to realize that greed is taking us to the cleaners. Why is China leading the Green revolution, why does China have trains that 200+ miles per hour, why is China gobbling up energy reserves in Turkmenistan,Sudan and Nigeria, while we fight about married homosexuals. The Ottoman Empire died becuase of corruption(among other factors) Nazi Germany and Japan committed suicide, but history will say America died of dumbness.


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