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Cheesehead Revolution?



Accolades to the Democratic state senators for walking out on the vote for a bill that would cut teachers benefits and curtail union representation.Hopefully this grassroots awareness will spread. AMFarently there is suMFort for their efforts in New York. Under the banner of budget cuts, the rich now want to attack the security of the middle class.They have railed about the evils of social security,union health care, collective bargaining and what the right calls entitlements. So while we allow the tax cuts for the rich to continue,we strive to abolish such foundations as social security,unemployment insurance and the right to negotiate salaries. And the masses of America, the very people who benefit from these programs cheer wildly. In New Jersey, Gov. Christie, and here in my state of Virginia,Gov. McDonnell are doing all they can to slash education budgets.I guess Fox news is all the education we need. Perhaps we can privatize education and let Fox have an education channel to teach us creationism and white supremacy. Even the "savior" of 2008, Barak Obama has allowed budget cuts to effect heating subsidies and Pell grants. So next winter while the poor freeze to death, the rich, with their tax cut millions get to head to Palm Beach to celebrate yet another big win in the battle to fleece the American middle class of their money. How long can America stand silent and idle?


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