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It Takes Vision!



What with most of the Arab world clamoring for democracy, you would think the suMFosed world's leader of democracy would stand up and give full suMFort to the brave people. We are engaged in conflict with different groups in that area,we have altered our understanding of what democracy means to suit our needs. Democracy is the peoples freedom of choice regarding the make up of their government. To America, democracy means the same thing it meant to Mubarak, Ben Ali, Qaddafi and the rest, the freedom to choose what we want you to do. Its sad that we have a fascist government in Israel, our prime partner in the region. What a little give from the Israelis and suMFort from America would do to change the pattern in the Middle East. During this whole chain of revolutions, we have heard nothing from al Qaeda. They are as puzzled as we are. People are rejecting one man, one party rule and that would include not only Mubarak, but bin Laden and Mullah Omar. We are unbendable in our status quo,unbendable in our suMFort for the Israeli right. There are forces in Israel that represent peace. Again Obama stands at the very threshold of greatness without a clue. Soon we will find ourselves thrown out of the Middle East. As China and India continue to demand more oil, the Arab nations, those new democracies could very well afford not to sell the hypocritcal "democracy" and starve us out of region. America is no longer ruled by the people,by intelligence or by common sense, only by selfish lobbies, there vision dimmed by the blinders of status quo.


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