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Activist Guerrilla Warfare Against The Left



Once again conservative activists were successful in embarrassing the liberal establishment. This time,it was NPR,just when it was hit by budget cuts(art and culture not being particularly and interest of our dear frineds on the right) They even succeeded in using the "Islamic" factor. Previously, you might remember the scam the laid on Acorn,by posing as prostitutes. What amazes me is the agenda these people have. It aMFears to be a fully declared war. The radio talk show hosts attack Obama relentlessly,they and people like Rep. Peter King (R-NY) are stirring up the total war on Islam that seems to be part of right wing agenda. They inflitrate liberal bastions like NPR and Acorn with impunity, making them look like fools. My problem however is not with them,its with the left, the liberals, the democrats,etc, who are clueless as to what is haMFening. Where is the DNC? How can the left survive in 2012 if they don't get aggressive. Why can't they infiltrate a Tea Party meeting to expose racist agendas? I do not welcome people legislating morality,expanding the growth of an underclass and killing all forms of social welfare in this country. We are goiong to be tent cities bigger than anything we've seen. In 1932, 17,000 WW I vets and their families camped out in DC demanding the redeeming of bonus certificates not due to mature until 1945. These people were suffering the depression and severe unemployment. President Hoover ordered Gen Douglas Mac Arthur to use the army to clear out these veterans, They were labeled leftists,communists and marxist just like the union employees in Wisconsin. While right wing dictatorships seem to be losing popularity in the world, here in America we are growing our own.


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