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Amy Winehouse Died For Our Sins



As a recovering alcoholic and drug addict the passing of Amy Winehouse brings a certain sadness and concern to my world. Celebrities are mirrors upon which we can view our lives. I always liked Amy,more for her bad girl style than for her music .She was the archtype, the image of the kind of women I was drawn to thru much of my life. I watched her strSPAM!!!le with addiction and felt pain in my heart. She died at 27, the same age as Jim Morrison,Jimi Hendrix,Janis Joplin,Brian Jones and Kurt Cobain. Perhaps that's a portal thru which addicts must past. I recall 27 being my most difficult year.Harder than 49, when I quelled the demons of addiction,harder than this year(age65) when I chose to deal with my PTSD. With PTSD, as with addiction, the denial is almost insurmountable. You are always the last one find out. I recall,during my New York City years,the superintendent of building talking about blood found on the stairs. Whose was it, I asked. We thought it was yours, he said.They had witnessed my blood before,I suMFose, from fights and injuries incurred while dead drunk and flying on cocaine. I recently solicited letters for my disability claim, from my current lady and my ex wife. They surely could pick out the PTSD incidents with clarity, while I for years refused to acknowledge that the wounds to my brain were far more severe than the wounds to my body. So when Amy sang I don't wanna go to rehab, no,no,no, I could identify. I passed up rehab twice and bordered near suicide a few times. The wonderful folks at A.A. say that you have to hit bottom. Different people have different bottoms. Mine was running out of money to fuel my addictions. I wasn't going to be a thief,mSPAM!!!er, self employed recycler, or beggar. It wasn't in me,booze and coke were not that important. The elevator goes down, say the wise ones of A.A.,it all depends which floor you get off on. Unfortunately for Amy,it was the basement. May she rest in peace.


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