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Pirates Of The Caribbean And Elsewhere



My lady is a great fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean and especially of Jack Sparrowt got me wondering about pirates in general. Not the nicest guys on the block. Basically they were thieves of the sea,mSPAM!!!ers of the Mer,ocean going outlaw bikers. Will we ever see the movie Pirates of Somalia? A romantic epic about Arab corsairs on the Mediterrean? Cuthroat pirates of China sea? Probably not very likely. Yet we romanticize the pirates of 18th century Spanish Main. We turn these guys into heroes and heart throbs. Disney,yet, Cap’t Hook has morphed from evil to a very likeable Jack Sparrow. But we romanticize other ne’r do wells like Billy the kid,Butch and Sundance,Bonnie and Clyde. The robber barons of the late 19th and early 20th century,though not immortalized by Hollywood,stand close to our founding fathers in reverence. Carnegie,Morgan,Vanderbilt to name a few, these guys make Enron look like a cahrity organization,yet they reign as capitalist gods.OK so pirates are fun,Disney’s captains never once pirate a ship, kill men by the droves and ravish the women. I just question the elevating of brutal criminals to superstar status. Then there’s Grand Theft Auto and its sequels.


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