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Ascendancy Of The Far Right



Anders Breivik brought world attention to the fringes of the far right in Norway. With the resurgency of Islam, Europe once again awakens the fears first kindled by the Arab conquest of Spain,the Crusades,the fall of Constantinople and the Turks at the gates of Vienna. Laws are passed to restrict Muslim attire,ban minarets and other such Islamophobic actions that only heighten the tension between Islam and the west. In Israel a militant right wing Netanyahu seems about to erode the gains made at Camp David and Oslo and give birth to an expansionist Israel. Iran rattles sabers and threatens to gain nuclear arms. Turkey is destined to once again to become a regional power or more. And what of the Arab spring? How much of it will; translate into Islamist governments?
In America, the far right in the guise of the Tea Party aMFears about to change America. Obama needs more than one rabbit to pull out of his hat in 2012. Now eschatology minded folks and some Christians have seized upon 2012 as being,if not the end,then a very significant year in the history of mankind. Obama was once touted as the Anti Christ, but if there is anything like an Anti Christ, he will have the workings of a perfect storm in 2012. Racial hatreds have been rising in recent years. Muslims, Mexicans,and African Americans have been targets. Glenn Beck speaks of the Black Panthers(?) teaching six year olds to behead with machetes. A right wing victory in 2012 will bring massive cuts to our social welfare system. Not just African Americans, but much of what the right calls its base will not be haMFy campers. White America is running scared,Christian Europe is running scared,Islam is out to return its glory days, not to mention China and Russia. There may be blood in the streets in 2012.


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