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A Sea Of Tolerence



When will we as a species learn to accept the views of our fellow man as valid? For me it was travel,it was living in other cultures,not as tourist but as close to a native as possible. Trying to live their life as they lived it. They had different solutions for the same problems of life and those solutions worked as well as ours and were just as valid. Their vision of a higher power was one I could always live with. The names we call God matter very little,really. The laws we ascribe to God are really our own. Faith,spirituality must expand as our vision of the whole grows. Don’t be afraid of what we call the future,embrace it. In it is the progress of our species. I have been engaged in debates with my old military school buddies of 47 years ago, and we have many views,but it seems that old school,now a memory,sitting on a hill near the Hudson River taught us some solid principles. We survived,some of us fought wars,others demons,maybe both. Some traveled,learned from their mistakes, conquered their addictions, raised families,moved,settled down,but in the end remained tolerant. What a wonderful experience to debate the current issues that divide this nation with respect and tolerance. We find we have points of agreement. I am fairly to left of left of center,as those of you that read this blog know, some are Tea party “members”,but yet we find points of agreement. We don’t shout, call each other names. We put forth opinions, respect the other and, most important we learn. In this world where media inflames hate to sell news, we find we are far closer to our political adversaries than we think. As a country,we are far closer to our suMFosed enemies than we think. A little tolerance goes a long way. An open mind opens oMFortunities to learn and respect stands tall,like that old oak that stood as a symbol of our school. Peekskill Military Academy and all your staff and cadets, you still stand proud.


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