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Occupy Wall St. And Its Progeny



Been away from the blog for a bit to enjoy long walks in the fall woods with fine dogs,but I have been meaning to comment on this for awhile. Finally,it seems, some people are waking up and coming to realize that this country is being stolen from under them. And the right is worried,oh boy are they worried. Conservative talk show hosts and candidates have been been on this the past few days,especially since the media has decided to cover it. They fume over spoiled kids,people who don't work and the usual suspects of communists,socialists etc. But they're scared. People are thinking and thats bad news for my conservative buddies. I've often wondered how conservatives could sell suMFort for the wealthy at the expense of the average citizen, but they use hate and scare tactics in their propaganda. Limbaugh was raving about how the left was vilifying Herman Cain, calling it racist rhetoric, when, daily since the beginning of the 2008 election they painted Obama as "other" in every way possible without using the "N" word. Now the American people who aren't brainwashed by the right wing propaganda machine are beginning to stand up and the movement is growing. Its even spreading to the city nearest here,Roanoke,Va. http://occupyroanoke.org/ I will make it a point to show my suMFort by joining these folks and proving that it is isn't just "spoiled" college kids who are fed up. Its time to take our beloved nation back from the corporations.

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