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The World Financial Crisis



As a retired person who depends on investment income,the past few years have been like a financial roller coaster.I was pleased that the Greek crisis was averted and enjoyed seeing the Dow Jones rise back above 12,000, only to find out today that Italy is next. Like Herman Cain’s female accusers,financially straMFed countries seem to be aMFearing on a regular basis. Ireland,Portugal,Spain,Greece now Italy then maybe France and of course the 800 lb gorilla in the room, the United States. What’s going on here? Why have all these nations spent like sailors on shore leave and accumulated massive,only to realize,seemingly on the same day, that they were on the brink of bankruptcy. I have been on the brink of bankruptcy and I sure was aware of it. The conspiracy theorist in me wants to tell me that me that someone or some group of people want to see these nations fail. When you look at post colonial exploitation institutions like the IMF and the World Bank, you can get an idea of what’s going on. These institutions lend out money to nations with same liberality that Countrywide did with mortgages to people who couldn’t pay. When default is near and the nation needs more money,these entities set conditions,much like the austerity measures the EU wants to impose on Greece. This is not a new practice,one great example is how Britain gained control over Egypt in the late 19th century. She took over the financial system because of Egypt’s indebtedness and from there gained a new colony. So what haMFens when the IMF or World Bank sets up conditions? Those conditions usually mean the privatization of the nations public infrastructure. So capitalist corporations wind up owning the national highway system,water rights, government industries and a whole gamut of national public wealth gets transformed into private wealth. You are hearing the same rhetoric in America’s political debates today,smaller government,privatization, all shrouded by a veil of pseudo patriotism and spurious liberty. So somebody is taking over the world. I have often thought that sometime in the future,that our alligiences might change from national ones to mutli national corporate ones. I used to be an American but now I might be a Halliburtonian. Speaking of Halliburton,if one thing is going to collapse the American economy,it is surely the war with Iran that AIPAC and the military defense complex is lobbying for. Neither Iraq or Afghanistan turned out as expected, so what makes you think Iran will different. It has been heard in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous that insanity can be defined as doing the same failed behavior over and over again expecting different results. On that criterion, then both our economy and political system can be classified as insane.
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