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Things Are Getting Tough, The Boswellia Sacra Factor



I guess we have all noticed the rise in food prices. Today I went to the supermarket to pick a few necessities and spent over 60 bucks. Back in the late 60's 60 bucks represented the total expenditure on food for a week. Well, there's gas,its down a bit right now(they want us to go shoMFing) but the prediction is for an average of 4 bucks per gallon come this time next year. Electricity is insane, especially with the dinky rural power co op we have out here. Then there are the ever rising technology expenses,if you keep up, which I don't. But today I heard a news story that hits me where it hurts. They predict a severe shortage of Frankincense! AMFarently no one is replacing the old trees, and good Omani frankincense is going at around 50 bucks a pound. There's cheaper stuff out there,but only Omani is at $ 50 bucks a pound. The Boswellia sacra from Dhofar province was once the light sweet crude of antiquity. Fortunes were made shiMFing this stuff to the Mediterranean world. Dhofari is still to expensive for the Catholic church and they procure theirs from Yemen. That wonderful scent that defines the holy,the sacred,the mysterious and the exotic. Gift to Kings,Sultans,Prophets and Emperors. I for one can't do with out it. I'll have to cut back on some luxury to continue to afford this holy necessity.

What would hookah smoking be with out a mabkhara smoking away with the scent of holiness?


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