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Little Rants About Nothing



Hello, hookah forum!

    It is official - I am now re-obsessed with posting in this forum! I'm back yet again, but I'm at least glad it's Wednesday (even though it's 1 am) so that it doesn't look like I just spent the last three days job hunting and posting in this forum .... which is exactly what I've been doing .... and I just admitted it on a public forum. I'm just glad that I have something to do and a place where I can take my writing to a public level. I actually do love writing, and every time I sit down to do a hookah session, I try imagining what it would be like to be a published author. How cool would that be to be the author of a successful book or series? Speaking of media, apparently the original Star Wars movie was produced on a very low budget and it was projected that it would have practically no success, but then it hit a very small handful of movie theatres and literally exploded in popularity. I'm not exactly a Star Wars fan, but I found it interesting that something with such a huge influence on our culture could have been thought to be something that was thought to have very little success.

    I've had a pretty successful day so far. I went out to do some job-hunting. Again, the adjustment from country to town is difficult because I feel a lot more exposed here. I'm just really used to retreating to the countryside after a day out in public, and all of a sudden I see the main street and a major intersection outside of my window when it used to be a field and then a tree line. The best way I can describe it is of feeling quite exposed to the public, as if I'm being more watched than before. I have absolutely no clue if this rings true for anyone else, but I would love to know if anyone else has experienced this as well! (If you read my last blog I'm pretty sure I asked this question! Feel free to leave comments either there or here).

    I am currently smoking a Two Apples bowl and loving it. This is my favourite part of the day - just chilling when I can't sleep and sitting smoking the hookah. Since moving, I've still taken to smoking in the bathroom that's attached to my room because it's the most convenient place to smoke at night. While I don't necessarily have to hide it from invasive parents anymore, it's a habit that I've grown used to doing. And plus, it's warm inside. Smoking in the bathtub allows me to wash the ashes from the drain away and leaves less evidence for people to find. My current roommates seem pretty decent though, and I'm sure they'll be fine with my smoking. That's the nice thing about having chill roommates. It's quite a nice little place here. I really like the housing we have. All I need is a job so that I can maintain living here, and it sounds like there's potential for me out there. :D :D

    I should at least try to get to sleep :o Hope you all have an amazing night! Write soon.


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