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The One After the Long Break :/



    It's been too long since I've written here!

    I've spent some time in BC, and the people I stayed with were NOT smokers! Not necessarily that I am either .... other than hookahs. Safe to say though, that it's been way too long since I've smoked anything at all, and I can't wait to start again! I think the first flavour I'm excited to start off with after such a long break would be my classic "go-to" flavour - two apples. I've smoked several bowls in a row before .... it may have been over the top, but hey, it was fun.

    First things first though - what I've been up to lately. Ever since I got back from BC, I've been basically trying to find a place to live, and it's actually only just happened. I found a place near the school I got into, and I'm REALLY excited to start this next phase of my life. Maybe in this new place I don't have to smoke in the bathtub at 2 am in order not to be seen! Anyone ever have any positive stories of moving out on their own for the first time? This is the first time I've had my own apartment-type thing before. I've done things like live on campus at previous schools, and with family friends/relatives before (ie, in BC) but nothing like having my own place. I'm excited and nervous, both at the same time. Priority #1 - smoke a hookah the first night I'm there! I'm celebrating for sure!

    I'm starting the PSW course at Georgian College in January. I've been told it's an amazing college, and I've heard that the course itself is actually pretty decent. I'm really glad to be starting this new opportunity in my life, and I'm excited to see where it leads me! I want to go down the nursing path as a career option, and becoming a PSW is the first step in that direction. Right now, it's a good idea to get into the healthcare field because of the aging population, and plus, nursing jobs and other healthcare jobs are a good idea in general - you'll never be out of a job unless you're a significantly crappy employee. Even if I don't end up liking this career path, it's only a 2-semester course, so it's not like I blew years of life and money on something I didn't like in the end. If all else fails, I can always go into horticulture. I've grown several trees from the seed (two lemon, one apple, one starfruit, a mandarin tree, and my next project is a dragonfruit tree) and it's something I actually love doing. I'm one of the weirdest people you'll meet - I want to go into nursing, I love growing plants from the seed, I have a favourite car (1960's Corvette Stingray, in deep purple), and I love playing music (especially the bassoon). I'm also short and female. And I smoke hookahs .... so there's also that. Some days, I can't figure me out.

    Alright though, I'm heading offline for now. I hope to upload another entry within the next few days - I'm hoping to upload when I move into my new place. Write later!


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