For posting reviews of hookahs, charcoals, and other hookah related items and accessories. If you want a new Review Topic added, please contact an Admin or Moderator, or post what you would like to have added Here.
HF Rules - Product Review Section
Welcome to the Hookah Forums review section. Here you can share your experiences with different hookah related products with all others here at the Hookah Forums. Below is a list of the rules and guidelines for posting here in the review section. Please follow these, and save the moderators a bit of trouble.
The review section is split up into different sub-categories to make later searching for certain reviews easier. These sub-forums are for posting only review posts, using the review template, which can also be found below. If you would like to discuss your review, please make a topic in the main review section, with your review.
To submit your review, simply pick which sub-forum that the item you are reviewing best fits into, and then find the topic about the product and reply to the topic with your review. If there is not already a topic started for the specific product line you want to review, simply post in the "SSPAM!!!est Review Section/Topic" topic in the main review section.
SSPAM!!!est Review Section/Topic
Below is a simple template you can use when posting tobacco related reviews. This can also give you an idea of how to setup your post for reviews on other products. We do not currently have a set method for posting, this is just a simple template to use to save you time, and make sure you give as much info in your review as you can.
's Review: *Replace With Tobacco Flavor*
Liquid In base:
Smoke Thickness:
Thank You,
Hookah Forum Team
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- Kaloud Lotus
- By Eddie_H,