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Prince of hooka

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Everything posted by Prince of hooka

  1. this item has been sold please remove thank you
  2. So a few of my relatives came to visit and they bought me with them shisha as a gift.they gave me a kilo of sweet melon. this shisha is so fresh and juicy and tastes amazing but i think 500 grams are enough for me. so i have up for trade or sale (2) 250 gram packs of sweet melon straight from Egypt up for sale or trade. if you want to buy the price will be twenty dollars shipped any where in the USA. if you want to trade i would be interested in AF Mint, DA or maybe a small Phunnel bowl or offer me what you have.
  3. i would like to tade my medium phunnel bowl for a small phunnel bowl or if you want to sell me your small phunnel bowl let me know how much you want for it thank you.
  4. This is a 28"( measured just to the top of the stem so i guess with a clay bowl on top it would be 30") MZ hookah up for sale or trade. i will sell this hookah for $50 shipped any where in the USA.I would also consider trading it for a portable small hookah such as a QT or Bambino. this is just the stem and base nothing else if you have any questions feel free to PM me. My proffered method of payment is MF. Thank you [attachment=3801:mz3.jpg] [attachment=3800:mz2.jpg] [attachment=3799:mz1.jpg]
  5. QUOTE (brianh818 @ Jun 28 2009, 01:10 PM) I've been looking to make a bulk order and this looks great, PM me with payment details please! this item has been sold mods please remove
  6. hi guys i have a lot of shisha up for trade (all shisha is measured by eye) 1-200 grams nakhla sweet melon 2- 225 grams of AF plum 3- 225 grams of nakhla strawberry 4- 175 grams of AL-tahawy sweet melon 5- 150 grams of mizo cherry 6- 50 grams tangiers lucid Horchata 7- 75 grams of tangiers lucid blue berry gum ball 8- 200 grams of nakhla DA 9- 175 grams of nakhla sweet melon 10-175 grams of layalina passion flavor 11-50 grams of SB choco-mint i am asking $25 shipping will be flate rate of 5 dollars in the USA guys i will not break this up its a package deal. Please contact me for payment options. l thank you very much and feel free to PM me with any questions
  7. QUOTE (redjako @ May 4 2009, 08:25 PM) QUOTE (Prince of hooka @ May 4 2009, 08:22 PM) QUOTE (redjako @ May 4 2009, 08:06 PM) QUOTE (Victim026 @ May 4 2009, 07:03 PM) QUOTE (inino @ May 4 2009, 09:02 PM) pack like tangiers not AF, When its packed tight, the flavors tend to be better. Only thing I can think of based on your description. and even though its lucid I would suggest acclimating for 2-3 hours. I acclimated initally for 4 hours for all of the flavors, and the weather has been steady around here as well since I acclimated it. Scoop the clumps (after strong stirring) into the bowl so its piled ABOVE the rim. Use a fork to PACK that down to slightly BELOW the rim. It will be nice and compressed. I'm on my third round of coals with BGB lucid (from hookah john as well). sorry to tell you this my freind tangiers is a hit or miss it is way over rated. Frst of all the stars have to be alligned and the moon has to set at a certain angle. i have ordered numerous tangiers flavors and each time the falvor tastes differently even if its the same exact flavor. i just dont think it is worth it at all. i have even emailed eric at tangiers and i was totally ignored i would rather smoke AF or nakhla any day of the week than tangiers. Tangiers is like a tease it smells great in the tub but tastes like crap in the bowl i just wish it wasnt so inconsistent because when you do get a good bowl it is really good. just to let you know i had the same problem with the Lucid blue berry gumball. you just wasted 45 dollars sorry to be the bearer of bad news Only if you don't know how to pack or manage heat. OR, if you have a crappy humidity disaster area where you live (like people in TX and FL really have problems with tangiers). I thought the same thing when I killed 1.5 250g of tangiers: this stuff sucks, its all a cult. But when I finally got it, its all I want to smoke. I am currently smoking lucid BGB on my third round of coals, and have been smoking it for a week. Just because your failing doesn't make the line crappy, instead you should figure out what your doing wrong. If its smelling good in the tub then its probably acclimated, which = USER fail. Call Eric, or stop bitching. ok you got a good batch of lucid blue berry gum ball and we didnt did you ever think that. it is just way overated because people love the clouds it produces when you smoke it and the buzz it gives you (OG). name one other brand that you have to do that much work in order to smoke a good bowl. smoking is suppose to be relaxing and not stressful you smoke to relax not get agrrivated. another thing i never said tangiers sucks i just think it is overated because of its inconsistancy. also about lounge owners carrying tangiers i am sure they get bad batches also and they carry it because their customers here all the hype and ask for it which doesnt mean it is the best. but when you do get a good bowl it is really good and lasts a long time just to much work and it is overated. thats my two cents
  8. QUOTE (redjako @ May 4 2009, 08:06 PM) QUOTE (Victim026 @ May 4 2009, 07:03 PM) QUOTE (inino @ May 4 2009, 09:02 PM) pack like tangiers not AF, When its packed tight, the flavors tend to be better. Only thing I can think of based on your description. and even though its lucid I would suggest acclimating for 2-3 hours. I acclimated initally for 4 hours for all of the flavors, and the weather has been steady around here as well since I acclimated it. Scoop the clumps (after strong stirring) into the bowl so its piled ABOVE the rim. Use a fork to PACK that down to slightly BELOW the rim. It will be nice and compressed. I'm on my third round of coals with BGB lucid (from hookah john as well). sorry to tell you this my freind tangiers is a hit or miss it is way over rated. Frst of all the stars have to be alligned and the moon has to set at a certain angle. i have ordered numerous tangiers flavors and each time the falvor tastes differently even if its the same exact flavor. i just dont think it is worth it at all. i have even emailed eric at tangiers and i was totally ignored i would rather smoke AF or nakhla any day of the week than tangiers. Tangiers is like a tease it smells great in the tub but tastes like crap in the bowl i just wish it wasnt so inconsistent because when you do get a good bowl it is really good. just to let you know i had the same problem with the Lucid blue berry gumball. you just wasted 45 dollars sorry to be the bearer of bad news
  9. QUOTE (cynnamongirl @ May 1 2009, 05:51 PM) I just asked our local lounge owner last night what he uses. He uses a blend that a buddy in Jordan sends him. He showed me a tub last night - just a clear plastic tub with a round silver starburst label with arabic lettering on it. Apparently it's not typically available outside of Jordan, but since he's friends with the manufacturer, he has permission to use it here? He also had what looked like either AF or AW boxes on his back shelves, as well, so who knows? so he basically is using AF or AW and he is telling you he is using exclusive stuff lol
  10. QUOTE (homebrew13 @ May 1 2009, 02:40 PM) picked it up for 15.00, just cleaned it up real nice like, going to get a new bowl, hose,and cleaning kit and give it to a buddie and his wife for a wedding presant. his wife is gunna love you for giving her husband a hookah to have in the house lol
  11. hey guys i have approximately 230 grams of nakhla single apple that i would like to sell the price is 8 dollars shipped thank you. if you are interested let me know
  12. QUOTE (DigiShisha @ Apr 16 2009, 11:43 AM) hey people, im new here sick^death(dont know ur forum name) put me on... ive been smokin shisha for the last 5 years...love me hooka, i didnt know people were so into it. so basiclly im starting a business involving hookahs, and im looking for anyoone that can give me a deal/ or looking to get rid of bulk items...im not really looking for the high end hookahs...but some nice shisha for a good price would be nice. i have a few connects in nyc's middle eastern hookah smoking community, so i have some decent prices already, but im still in search mode. i am a whole saller in nyc pm your name and phone number and we can talk prices thank you
  13. QUOTE (tinyj316 @ Mar 26 2009, 10:07 AM) A relationship without sex is doomed to fail from the start. Its not really a relationship until there is sex involved... until then its just being friends. I totally disagree with you. You could fall in love and have feelings for someone and be attracted to them and not have sex with them. Most people who are like off the boat from past generations espescially middle eastern, italian, jews etc... never had sex until they were married alot of people dated but sexual activity wasn't so weid open as it is now. i mean their is no body who can't get laid now with all the internet websites craigslist, myspace etc.... so just because sex is extremley open in our generation doesnt mean that you have to have sex with someone in order to love the but you must be physically and sexually attracted to them and thats my two cents
  14. Be careful because he might take it the wrong way LOL
  15. QUOTE (jellywerker @ Feb 23 2009, 01:28 AM) Where are you located? brooklyn ny
  16. both are unopened 5 x50 gram nakhla double apple 5 x50 gram nakhla mint also added: 175 grams of tangiers lucid blue berry gum ball 175 grams of tangiers lucid watermelon if you want to buy them the total price will be 20 dollars plus shipping if you want to trade let me know what you have
  17. QUOTE (clumsygrace @ Feb 10 2009, 12:39 AM) I actually just heard about this website today. Still haven't gotten around to checking it out but it sounds like a good way to waste an hour. i think they are made up
  18. QUOTE (Hojo @ Feb 9 2009, 09:38 PM) My BGB has been acclimating for about a week and a half and it still smells like the Kool-Aid Man's asshole. I know it's not acclimated because there is still that soy sauce smell to it, and I am starting to think that it simply will not acclimate. Every other flavor of Tangiers that came in that same order and were delivered on the same day have been fine, it's just the BGB that is weird. where did you buy it from?
  19. CH Charcoals are now available in stores in NY and NJ i picked up one instant and one natural from my local store these charcoals are the best for your money and great quality.
  20. i have 50Gjars of unopened shisha from hookah hookah up for trade 1- Orange 2- Spearmint 3- Apple 4- Peach 5- Margarita Let me know what you want to do is the apple tasty or no
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