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Everything posted by THE NAMELESS

  1. I've owned three other traditional egyptian hookahs
  2. Yeah i've had Fumari Cream Soda and it sucked, no flavor what so ever.
  3. Hey AinSophAur is that "a perfect circle" poster i see in your room?
  4. QUOTE (sambookamax @ Jan 10 2007, 09:56 PM) I am not liking the myas, I have a QT and absolutely HATE the stem, with a passion! I am very close to being in the market for a new hookah, and my experience with the QT has ruined my opinion of myas. OMG how can you say you hate MYA's! I've had my QT for about 6 months and it is the best hookah i have ever owned. But i guess everyone entitled to their opinion.
  5. Yep i smoke ciggs. Worst decision i've ever made. Cant quit, wish i could but its just too hard.
  6. here this video kinda shows you how the mod works
  7. Yeah i think shipping has always been $25. I ordered my QT like 6 months back and shipping was $25.
  8. Yeah i made a pretty nice one about a week ago. Took me like 10 minutes and it works great.
  9. Those kids are retarted, you can see the one on the left drink something under the table.
  10. So i saw the video of scalli and his funnel bowl mod and decided to make one myself. To my surprise it came out very good and it works like a charm.
  11. QUOTE (SanguineSolitude @ Dec 11 2006, 08:06 PM) the one i linked earlier http://www.myasaray.com/store/item.asp?ITE...EPARTMENT_ID=42 ftw yeah i've been eyeing that one
  12. mira my circle [img]http://myspace-187.vo.llnwd.net/01026/78/18/1026678187_l.jpg[/img]
  13. OMG! Please tell me where you got that green MYA from and how much it cost.
  14. I broke my taingers bowl today. She took a nasty fall on my tile floor. Today is a sad day.
  15. I envey you very much. Tool is my favorite band and yet i have not seen them in concert yet.
  16. Would it be wrong if i started a myspace group called hookahforum.com? What do you all think?
  17. I usually drink a boba tea(quite possible the best drink in the world). Im not to sure how many of you know what a boba tea is so here is a link [url="http://%20"]www.bobateacompany.com[/url] that tells you what they are.
  18. I think its great! I used to just smoke from my mya bowl but now i only use my tangiers bowl.
  19. With a tangiers bowl. [img]http://i6.tinypic.com/27ywvo1.jpg[/img]
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