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kilgore trout

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  1. No comment needed, just check this out.[url="http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060830/od_afp/afpentertainmentusarts_060830194640"]newsauction[/url]
  2. Clearly the jedi would win: he has the force AND a lightsaber. No contest. The real question is Pirate vs. Ninja.
  3. Anyone else have the 40th anniversary edition of Risk?
  4. [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/Al-Waha-Hookah-Shisha-molasses-250-g-two-apple_W0QQitemZ120024295197QQihZ002QQcategoryZ596QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.com/Al-Waha-Hookah-Shisha-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]Is this your auction? Doesn't eBay prohibit tobacco auctions?
  5. Nothing says premium cigar quite like the plastic mouthtips of a Black & Mild.
  6. Serbetli Rose was also my first smoke. Wish I could find it here. Anyone ever seen Serbetli sold in America?
  7. All Myas can be made as 1,2,3,or 4 hose hookahs if you call Myasaray.
  8. From what I've learned, habibi means "my darling". Could be wrong though, any native Arabic speakers out there?
  9. Actually, gerrymandering is a very large problem.  The Supreme Court recently ruled that state legislatures can gerrymander as often as they want to protect their party as long as it is not detrimental to minorities.  Consider that in the last Congressional election (2004), only 5 incumbents lost to challengers.  That is a whopping 98% incumbency rate for the US House of Reps.  Also, 83% of these wins were by a landslide.  The lines for Congressional districts have been drawn in such a manner that there is little debate in races for most districts.  Most seats have become safe seats for one party or the other.  There is a complete lack of competition in these districts, enabling candidates who are either far right or far left to be elected quite easily.  Thus, there is a polarizing effect in the House.  Democracy is fundamentally based upon debate and competition, two things that gerrymandering has nearly eliminated entirely.  I would call this a big problem.
  10. "gixxer girl, you seem awefully supporting of PYH...SHES ONE OF THEM!!!!! lol" I think that the "lol" and the "" denote that he is joking.  Just my interpretation.
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