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Everything posted by BobMarley90

  1. Hi, Recently I was really pumped to finally order the red 4 hose mya colossus from hookah-shisha.com but all of their colossuses are out of stock. Is there anywhere els I can buy the colossus online with the hard case? Thanks
  2. Ive been collecting rare marley stuff for years now. There is alot of concerts, demos, rehearsals etc.. around on torrent sites. The best place to go if you want to really get into bob is BobMarleyMagazine.com. Jah love!
  3. Im about to get my first hookah, and before anyone says anything, im aware of Myas, and KMs, and Im almost sure I am getting the sahara cyclone. My question is, Is it possible to buy the sahara cyclone, and buy about 4 extra "ball" tiers (http://saharasmoke.com/store/product.php?p...at=0&page=1), and 1 extra "teardrop" tier(http://saharasmoke.com/store/product.php?p...at=0&page=1) (is it possible to connect the tiers this way?) to give me a long shaft that looks something like this?: Thanks for putting up with my noobish question
  4. Hey, Im new. Im about to get a mya piccolo as my first hookah, and I was going to get this bowl along with it. I know that it gets too hot sometimes, but would it be possible to put a round piece of foil on top of the metal screen, and poke smaller holed in the foil?
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