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Everything posted by unleashtheclown

  1. sorry for saying this, but using chop sticks to pick up coals just seems really dumb and a sure way to add many lovely burn holes in Your carpet. I'm actually not bad with chop sticks, but still would never try it. Damn I want some sushi now lol
  2. vinyl tubing should make it hit a lot more freely, which would be better imo. Only drawback to vinyl hoses are they're ridgid, and can make Your hookah tip over
  3. QUOTE (txhookahman @ Jun 12 2007, 03:21 AM) QUOTE (unleashtheclown) I didnt like starbuzz plum, but fusion,fumari, and al fahker make really good plum flavor Which one is better? Fusion Plum or Fumari Plum? TX I'd say fusion's plum is better imo, al fahker comes in second. Fusions is sweeter than al fahker's, both are great tho. Try mixing af apricot and plum..... delicious I love plum too!!
  4. I didnt like starbuzz plum, but fusion,fumari, and al fahker make really good plum flavor
  5. what size coals are these? i normally use 3 kings 40mm coals
  6. its a stargate thats called something else. only stargate id get would be the ss prem modern ones, or the bentley if i could afford the bently
  7. the bambino is made better, and u could buy something else, more shisha possibly lol. Or a different hookah later on, the bambino isnt much more $
  8. id go with a khalil from hookahcompany, or a socialsmoke. I've use my friends h-s nile 2 hoser and it sucked, even if u plug the second port. My khalil is the best hookah ive ever bought, even better than my bohemian mya, pyramid clossine, or bambino, and is much wider tubing than my ss oracle which is a great hookah too. But the tubing and free flowing hit of the khalil is just much better imo than any of the others, and really easy to maintain, also a lot cheaper too.
  9. The hose that comes with the hafa does suck, the one with the amer is pretty nice. I have a h-s nammor hose on mine which is much better. However I didnt have any of the ugly weld issues, or sharp metal sticking out. I doubt suing them would really hold up in court, mainly just waste time but Id definetly contact them about it. As a general measure, its always a good idea to clean the stem when You buy ANY hookah online, my amer had packing foam and some dirt or dust in it at first too.
  10. You can order the amer in blue also, same base as the hafa. And to answer Your question, Yes it is the best hookah I've owned and I've had many. Extremely thick hits with an effortless pull. snag one
  11. I've heard of this happening too many times with taqseem, which is why id never buy a stargate, or anything else from him except maybe coals and accessories.
  12. I dont see why this forum sometimes gets so serious over little issues. Its really not a big deal, I thought it was interesting and to be honest id find it easier in here.
  13. If I was gonna order a stargate id get the one from socialsmoke that was in the hookahstock II vid by scalliwag
  14. Soak it in 99% isopropyl rubbing alcohol for about 10 mins, then buy a cheap toothbrush or use an old one and scrub it off and dip the brush in the alcohol about every 30 secs.
  15. Pvc is poisonous to smoke from, Buy a hookah or make one from glass and stainless or brass
  16. QUOTE (Haz @ May 11 2007, 08:52 PM) What's so good about a khalil? A shop nearby made a point of saying that they had an original khalil. Are they worth getting? Yea they're definetly worth every penny, my amir hits much better than any mya ive ever used including my 160.00 mya clonissie pyramid.
  17. I'd contact mnhookah if I were You. The mod is supposed to fit very close to the hole, almost touching.
  18. They're both kinda stupid ideas if You ask me. With the ring method u cant really moves the coals much and didnt look like much smoke at all and then its so far from the shisha by the time it really gets going u need more coal
  19. I find it to be very shallow and pedantic
  20. QUOTE (Gaara @ May 2 2007, 12:05 AM) QUOTE (unleashtheclown @ May 1 2007, 07:27 PM) QUOTE (Gaara @ May 1 2007, 09:55 PM) Does anyone know a store in MD/DC that carry something other than Naklha? Seems like that's the only thing people sell around here. Zam zam market on gaither rd in gaithersburg sells al fahker and nahklah. Also sams market in the richie center with ihop sometimes carrys al fahker Sams...is that in Rockville? Yea, both are about 10 mins or less from me
  21. QUOTE (Gaara @ May 1 2007, 09:55 PM) Does anyone know a store in MD/DC that carry something other than Naklha? Seems like that's the only thing people sell around here. Zam zam market on gaither rd in gaithersburg sells al fahker and nahklah. Also sams market in the richie center with ihop sometimes carrys al fahker
  22. most likely I'll be there sometime this weekend, i was just there on saturday and a few days before that.
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