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    why are you reading this chinchilla breath???

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  1. I put up a post asking where I could get old starbuzz and after digging around in my old hookah stuff I found about a 100 grams of starbuzz watermelon from 2006!! I smoked it tonight and it was great like it had not aged a day.Does this shit last forever??I bought a 100 grams of starbuzz watermelon couple of days ago and smoked it last night and must say the old stuff is better.Is it safe to smoke? I looked real close to make sure it had no mold it has been in a ziplock screw on container.just wondering if anyone else had an experience like this?   If this starbuzz lasted this long why do they ever put an expiration date on them? To keep inventory moving?
  2.   I've got about 15 of these ghost hookahs for sale they are a $150 each and come with an endless amount of shisha and coals in what ever flavor you want.I can send them in an email after payment is received. thanks lol
  3. Yeah the people here are cool, laid back and very helpful when it comes to anwsering your questions. I've been a member since 2006 left for awhile but i'm back again.If there was alot of assholes here I wouldn't have came back lol
  4. My MYA wide hookah hose after a few years of non use is rusted inside and got me wondering where is a high quality hookah hose? Do they make any with a stainless steel coil? I know I could get the cheap plastic ones but I'm looking for something that is of quality. It seems that all hookah items are made overseas by asian children and lack quality and craftsmanship where is the good stuff at? I dont mind paying more if it will last.Do these high quality items exist?
  5. he bad mouthed hookah forum?? you should get back at him by selling me those 2 bowls really cheap! that will show him lol
  6. Ask him if he has any more glass hookah bowls I've been looking for them for awhile
  7. I've heard of people smoking 15 year old shisha and saying it still tastes great can't tell the diffrence...thought it would be the same for starbuzz
  8. I been a member of hookah forum since 2006 and quit for a while and now I'm getting back into it and I noticed the starbuzz watermelon now is totally diffrent it was red instead in 2006 it was a golden yellow.Do you know where I can get the old school starbuzz??And here is a tough one do you know where I can get a "smiley" hookah bowl? What happend to smiley? anyone know what happened to him?
  9. QUOTE (poncho @ May 24 2009, 01:02 AM) not sure what exactly your looking for but if you want a hookah bowl made of glass that looks like a smiley face, i can do it send me a pm Here's my smiley hookah bowl I need a new one the one I have is cracked
  10. I'm looking for a large smiley hookah bowl with a 3 hole glass screen.I have for trade: 250g tangiers apricot and/or $$$ if you know where I can get a smiley glass hookah bowl let me know thanks
  11. QUOTE (JoeLipinski @ Dec 18 2006, 04:09 AM) I wanted to first off thank critterchops for the tobacco that I won in the photo contest. the tobacco arrived Friday and I took it to a party for people to try. Now time for a review. Will also post this in the review section, mainly wanted to thank critterchops though. Fumari Chocolate Cut: The cut is pretty fine, pretty similar to Naklah, but much juicer then Naklah Smell: Smells like Swedish fish... the candy or kinda like chocolate and strawberry Flavor: Tastes exactly how it smells, I and my friends loved this flavor Overall rating: I would give this a 10/10! Am highly considering buying some more. Produces nice big clouds of white smoke. Fumari Banana Cut: Cut is the same as the chocolate Smell: Smells like artificial banana Flavor: Tastes exactly as how it smells, not too bad of a flavor, though if you are looking for a authentic banana this will probably not be what you are looking for Overall rating: Would rate this as a 7.5/10 because of the flavor. Did produce nice thick clouds of smoke. Once again thanks critterchops!!! you rock! your very welcome thanks for entering the contest.I will have another photo contest in a couple of weeks with more fumari and starbuzz.And yes you can enter again joe just don't use the same pics
  12. Sounds good to me I'll bring the hookah juice.....fumari or starbuzz.It should be in feb to give plenty of time for everyone to make plans.As long as it's in the east bay I'll be there.
  13. there is a place called orbit on east 14th that has starbuzz once in a while they also have tons of the other cheap tobacco.And twilight zone in hayward that has a ton of layalina. I'm loaded with fumari and starbuzz so I won't need to buy for a long time. but if anyone knows a place that sells starbuzz or fumari let me know thanks
  14. 1.starbuzz vanilla 2.fumari mint chocolate chip 3.haven't decided yet
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