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About Victim026

  • Birthday 05/10/1987

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  • Country
    United States

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  1. I'm in for a HF group, battle tag is Kargor#1893
  2. It's just sand.... It was made in Egypt, where coincidentally, there's lots of you guessed it.... SAND!!! In all seriousness though it's nothing to worry about, just carry on with usage as normal.
  3. I just want to take a moment to express my utter dislike for Mush and his curly hair
  4. wow i officially feel old, theres only like 4 members that are still active from when I joined back in the day and one of them is mush.

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  5. Damn long time members are dropping like flies, pretty soon theres not going to be anyone left from when I originally joined....
  6. Yep thats the first thing I thought when I saw it.
  7. Uh oh, Tyler knows better then to talk about hookah forum. Shit now I've done it.
  8. t-minus 15 til I fist pump the night away

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  9. Some of those hookahs are Magdy Zidans
  10. It's been almost a week and no reply, consider my offer rescinded until you get back in touch on the sale of this hookah.
  11. If you don't have a taker by friday when I get paid I'll commit 100% at $70 shipped. If you could hold it til then that would be even cooler!!! But I understand you wanna get rid of it quick.
  12. Break up with her before she breaks up with you? Sorry I'm just a bitter man 2 months out of a 6 year realtionship.....
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