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Everything posted by gonzorilla

  1. This all happened while cutting a coconut in half....the coconut just split and the milk is coming out, here come the questions. Girl: I thought Coconuts had milk. Me: They do, thats whats pouring out of it. Girl: So it's not like cow milk? Me: No, it's like coconut milk. Now the coconut is split in half and we are cutting the meat out. Girl: Does it taste like coconut? Me: No, more like beef jerkey. Girl: Wow, thats suprising. Unbelievable eh?
  2. Who comes up with this??? Thats why the darwin awards were created.
  3. I'm interested in the Irish Cream...if it's still around. Trevor
  4. My card just got charged today! Any ideas on how long shipping will take...??? I hope it doesn't get caught up in the Mardi Gras mess... Trevor
  5. Finally got to "really" break in my new hookah the other night!!! It was a glorious thing. We ended smoking like three bowls...people came in waves it was a strange thing....we would smoke and as soon as it finished....more people would come over and want to smoke. It was a good time. We had a few first timers, which made things even better. Now I'm just waiting on my order of shisha (Tangiers Lime and Al Waha Orange Cream) from hookah kings to come in (should be tomorrow). So it looks like another good night is on its way. Gonzorilla
  6. So I just placed an order for some Tangiers Lime....and some Al Waha Orange Cream... I'm new to this, so I'm still trying to get the right technique. While reading some of the tobacco reviews it seems their is some tangiers technique that I might need to learn about. Ex. Air Space??? I guess what i'm getting to here is the right way to pack the bowl...place coals...how many coals...that kind of thing. I've also read a lot about acclamation...??? What is that all about? My set up is a 26" Two Hose Rotator that I bought from hookah-shisha.com. Right now I have 3-king coals....I'm pretty excited, but just want to have the best possible experience. Thanks... Gonzorilla
  7. I've decided to venture out and try some new shisha. However here in southern Mississippi, there isn't too much of a market for it. I'm trying to find a website or someone (preferably in the US for shipping reasons) with starbuzz....or tangiers. I have never tried either of them so i don't really know what I am getting into. Thanks, and if you have any other reccomendations, that would be great also. Thanks....
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