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  1. I believe that it should be the Bar or Restaurant OWNERS choice to allow smoking or not! They could post a sign at the front door stating that they allow smoking inside. Plenty of restraurant's ( mostly fast food) dont allow it but if you wanna go see a band in a bar you should be able to smoke!! Ohio is trying to pass a law involving strip bars also. it is really absurd like that you cannot be within 6 ft of the stripper while she is nude. I guess soon the state's name will be "NOHIO" hahaa
  2. Jamesh2, I will and If you ever get down to Cincinnati, get hold of me!!! Where in OH are you? Sometimes people don't understand how hard it is for a smoker to be in a building( i.e. basketball game, concert) for a couple hours without a chance to smoke somewhere!! in Ohio, You gotta go outside and away from the front door to light up! Yeah, thats safe!!!
  3. Thanks guys!!!! I appreciate your opinions!!!! It's a shame that everyone on here, just cant see that I am trying to keep our rights, Even that smoking in a certain place isn't a right, it is still worth standing up for!!!! My wife, who smokes, hates to go to Cincinnati, Oh now since the smoking ban!!! Sonthert & Jamesh2, Thanks for your kind words!!! Did you see our new article???http://news.communitypress.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070621/NEWS01/706210469/1056/Local
  4. What i find funny is that Hooter's is worried about their "IMAGE"????? Why do the put their waitress on display and basiclly Pimp them?? This is hooter's response: "At times we are required to make a judgment call on what is best for our customers in general, and what is true to the Hooters image, that may displease a few customers. This is one of those times," said Michael Gregory, general counsel for Hooters of Newport. "Right now, we don't think a hookah belongs in Hooters. We hope these folks can come to understand that, and will continue to patronize the restaurant."
  5. Wow how a little story can gather so much attention! Last week, I went and did a photo shoot for a story to be featured in WIRED magazine they are doing a story on the "Get Published" section on the cincinnati.com website and I was picked along with 1 other person for the photoshoot, due to the hookah story. then a reporter came to do a follow up story on us!! I started a my space page for our group; feel free to ad us: www.myspace.com/nkyhookahgroup Our first story: http://news.communitypress.com/apps/pbcs.d...0476/1077/Local Our follow up story: http://news.communitypress.com/apps/pbcs.d...0469/1056/Local what do you all think????
  6. I have, I ordered a 4 hose hookah ! and love it!!
  7. IT has been a great First week of Marital Bliss! Thanks to all that came to the wedding!!! And what a weekend this has been!!! Friday evening I got a call from a lady at the Cincinnati Enquirer And they have a NATIONAL Magazine called "WIRED" coming in to do a story on their "Get Published" section of their website and asked if I was able to come in and be Interviewed and Photographed on Monday morning, It was there where I published my letter to Hooters that got the bigger story wrote! I think i will be asked about the HOOKAH incident and will BRAG on all involved!! On Sunday, They published a story I wrote about How I met my New Wife, Michelle!! It is a great story, I hope you take a few minutes and read it!!! Hope you all have a good week!!! Markie Here is the link: Sorry I cant get the link to work! So you might have to copy and Paste http://rodeo.cincinnati.com/getlocal/gpsto...&sid=114145 http://rodeo.cincinnati.com/getlocal/gpsto...&sid=114145
  8. Not to sound stupid BUT How much honey do you add to WHAT size ( AMOUNT) of Tobacco????? QUOTE (Karem @ Jun 14 2007, 11:16 AM) QUOTE (Johnny_D @ Jun 14 2007, 04:00 PM) Detail, with pictures if possible, what type of honey you used? I too mix a little honey & glycarin with my tobacco. Sometimes it works better than others. Cheers. JD Im not sure what the honey is like in the US, im assuming its the same as in the UK. Just standard household honey, not the strong stuff. In a standard 20g+ bowl I paked a lil tobacco at the bottom, then a small ammount of honey, make sure its not to much that the tobacco is soaked. Top that off with more tobacco and add a little more honey. Again, not to much that the tobacco is swimming. Im smoking it now & it rocks ^^. /Karem
  9. We would love to find out more! We are a group of 15 or more that meet Weekly on Wednesday nights at a local bar!! We offer everyone a chance to try it! We have a "MySpace" page for the group: http://www.myspace.com/nkyhookahgroup and here is also a link to a story that was wrote about our group http://news.communitypress.com/apps/pbcs.d...0476/1077/Local Thanks for any help and Info!
  10. Congrat's !!!! We all gotta keep "FIGHTING THE MAN" And keep our rights!!!!
  11. QUOTE (ghostofdavid @ May 23 2007, 01:14 PM) cemab: www.cincinnatifavorites.com Yes, I am in Cincinnati. I'm moving soon, I think. Back to the Hoosier state for me... where people are normal and smoking bans don't exist. Why not head South to the Bluegrass State, The TOBACCO state ( at least for now!) and the Air is Cleaner!!!!
  12. Of Course we have, If you have read our story about hooters and our Hookah! ( see my past posts) we gather at a local bar on wed nights now to smoke our hookah, eat and bullshit! A few of the guys have bought their own hookah's! and we also have regular customers smoke ours with us!! this is a pic of us last week:
  13. QUOTE (Hannibal @ May 23 2007, 05:33 PM) QUOTE (KyDUDE @ May 23 2007, 04:43 PM) I just joined the forum recently and was told that I could use discount codes at some vendor's! I was wanting to order some of Smiley's stuff due to the reviews! When I asked for a discount code for Nargile Club, I was told "IT WAS ALREADY DISCOUNTED". My point being why are we complaining on something we are getting at a rock bottom price??????????????? That is not to mention that he used TUBS not bags and Boxes (Tubs gotta cost more)!!!! I got my order last week and we will be smoking Bubbleberry tonite and Wedding cake at my wedding!!! And if we enjoy it, I WILL order again!!!!!! Haha when I read this I imagine a guy with thick glasses, dressed in a gold suit, yelling at coffee-shop server with a really happy face on. I'm not bashing you at all tho, dont get me wrong (i'm sure you were doing nothing of the sort), its just what I pictured. And grats on getting married! Thank you !!! No Offense taken although you are not near describing me!!! HAHAH!! I just wanna stand up for Smiley!! He seems like a great guy and Dont think he is trying to screw us!!!
  14. QUOTE (mushrat @ May 23 2007, 04:33 PM) this messege brought to you by the society for the visually impaired.... Sorry, I am drinking vodka and watching "Jerry Springer" after a hard day at work!!! LOL
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