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Everything posted by oggie505#2

  1. I see this as good for most and bad for some, I do hat eit when random vendors come on saying they are having a sale and stuff. But I do like when Mya comes on and shows their new products, they do not give a price or open with goto our site to get the uber latest shisha pipes. But if the admins want vendors to be active to post, I am cool with that, just some may get pissed a discount codes could be gone, but i doubt it.
  2. smoke like a circus chimp. thats what did it for mine, after numerous sessions about 10 there is no rubber taste in either of my nammor hoses, even after washing them out they are broken in nicely and give no rubber taste
  3. you should only have to reaclimate it that long if it is a drastic change in humidity. I know mush acclimates it once at his lounge, but he smokes it inside there. I only had trouble with tangiers when i was in college in Savannah, it was so humid out that the acclimation would not do much, because i would not let it sit outside my dorm room. If you are going to smoke in your garage, just acclimate it once for 4-6 hours in there, then every time u smoke in there you should be fine or just let it sit 30 min whne you are about to smoke in there
  4. def acclimate your tangiers again. Personally the cold has not affected it much, but with colder weather it gets less humidity and thats the big problem with tangiers, it is easily ruined from humidity shock, wheither it high or low
  5. take your hose out and just breathe through it, it there is little resistance, then you know it is not the hose. The red from the stem could be juice from the AF, you said u had a bit of water in your tray from blowing, we damn how hard are you blowing, if water came from you blowing/purging, then I bet u got water in your bowl, sometimes i get juice coming down my phunnel, especially if i use a drippy shisha. I think you should check your hookah stem to see if there is a drop of metal that i snow hardened in the stem, that could account for the hard draw, and also water coming into your ash tray, it is making a venturi effect when u r trying to purge
  6. have heard too many bad things about rolland quick lites, but I do like their jap coals,prefer canary ones,but the easy lites are what MN sells
  7. gonna have to get some lemon, i hopes its better than af lemon cuz thats the bomb
  8. most of the metal shims in my myas are lose, just pull hard and eventually it will come off
  9. u r still a noob to me..lol
  10. I have not notice a huge difference between big hookahs and the micro hookahs. But I have always said hookah is a personal thing some people can notice a difference between at QT and a bigger one
  11. I have always had the mind that the smoke is not in the pipes long enough to make a difference of cooling, especially wqhen it comes to like a 10 inch stem to a 20 inch stem, the smoke is in there for about a millisecond longer. And the surrounding air around the stem will be at a constant temp. But haveing the stem going in the water more times than once, like in that pic it possibly could cool down more
  12. use copper if u want, its not like you are heating to copper to a gas state. Also I agree copper vapor is bad, but I would doubt that your hookah even get hot enough to melt metals. If you do see a vapor it proally just burning off dust or other crap, like using aluminum foil it smoke a bit but itys burning of crap thats on it Remember probably all of you house water lines are copper.
  13. ah he finally smokes a cuban..lol.. It was a Cohiba Sublimes Edicion Limitada 2004
  14. depends on how you are going to use them. If its a communal hookah for party's and stuff, gotta go with acrylic since they are not easily broken, but for a single smoker especially in a dorm room, the QT is da bomb. I have loved my QT for when I was doing my senior project, just set it on my desk and smoke while typing my code. The only thing I am not sure if mya has changed the glass they use for the qt's I have heard the new glass is weak, but not sure if its only their bigger ones and not the QT
  15. Happy b-day bro. you are old old man...lol... i better see a pic of u with the sublime... have a good day
  16. Yea was def fun, now u have to make it over for some BBQ..lol... The cats came in a few hours after u left and they were dead tired. The grey cat actually likes being chased around the yard JD finally brought some layalina raspberry over, I have had E-apple and hated it, but I will admit the raspberry make my entire kitchen smell good just from opening the jar, and the flavor from the smoke was very nice
  17. My copy just arrived, I have played the MOH since the first one for the PS. This one looks good, the last 3 were crap. I like being able to paradrop in on the map anywhere, especially the multiplayer u can play one type where u drop in and start anywhere instead of the normal spwan points
  18. Scholarships are not just for sports, hell there are ones if u have a pet turtle. I forget the website , but it lists all the scholarships, trust me there is one for everyone
  19. I would tip depending on the level of service, if they attend to me then i will leave a good tip. If they basically bring my hookah out and then I have to get my lazy ass up for everything, then no
  20. loans and scholarships/grants will pay for college
  21. QUOTE You never want to smoke on a empty stomach! about 50% of the time i smoke on an empty stomach and am fine. I did it this afternoon, smoked some peach and my last meal was the night before
  22. we had an IRC channel, but not many poeple used it. Proally because MIRC which is what the most common one is is payware. Mac version ircle is payware too, but if enough are interested and the chat goes out of commission then we cna do it
  23. I have heard Nakhla Tropicana is a grapefruit flavor
  24. never tried useing a gas stove, woudl take sometime, but maybe get an old frying pan ont it and let the pan start to heat the coals. But save some money and invest in a hotplate or a propane torch
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