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Everything posted by yeshua_cxc

  1. no the lock-n-lock aren't too expensive. They're a couple bucks a piece (I think) if you get the size that holds 250g real good. I forget what size that is exactly but you can pretty much use your good judgment to figure that out.
  2. I just ordered from them a couple weeks ago and I was able to just put my credit card in didn't have to call.
  3. wow that's beautiful!! Love the colors. So you got it off HC? Did you have to call to get that color?
  4. The reason it got harsh was probably because you burnt the tobacco. Were you rotating your coals around the bowl? Several reasons you could have gotten sick: Did you eat before you smoked? Because you should. And you need to make sure to eat and drink something while you're smoking also. If I don't have something sweet to eat or drink when I smoke hookah my blood sugar crashes so bad I nearly pass out.
  5. Bambino FTW. And yeah Neal at WorldHookah is a great guy. He's around the forums alot and if you wanted he's on the chat most the time so you could go talk to him if you wanted.
  6. just go to foxnews.com and you'll find it on their home page.
  7. I use Lock-n-Lock. Bought them at Target.
  8. Awesome. I think I'll definitely have to order one once the glass screens come out.
  9. Neil at worldhookah sells KMs also. You should give him a call.
  10. Trust me you do not want a non-native running the country. It's bad enough having one run our state (CA)!
  11. Sorry to resurrect this post but I e-mailed HS to see if they were gonna get start carrying KMs and they told me that they had no plans to do so anytime in the near future.
  12. QUOTE (Alle @ Mar 12 2008, 07:01 PM) How would you turn an ordinary bowl into a phunnel? Phaking the Phunnel: http://www.hookahforum.com/index.php?showtopic=6586
  13. I use my Phunnel bowl on it all the time.
  14. QUOTE (semiaverage711 @ Mar 12 2008, 07:38 PM) Sitting at Denny's with a Grand Slam and a hookah would rock! Talk about heaven! But, we have a ban where I live here in Indiana. No more smoking in public buildings. You can haul your ass outside is how they put it. What truly proves our government is cracked out is that they are trying to ban smoking everywhere. The tobacco industry makes how much a year? Cigarettes alone cover a large chunk of that. That is alot of tax dollars down the drain. If they were smart, they would put a tax on cigarettes. Only a few people would quit then. You'd still have all your "addicts" buying and buying, producing money to get our country out of our $3 trillion debt! umm...They already have taxes on cigarettes and our govt. is $9 trillion in debt not $3 Watch the debt grow!!!! http://brillig.com/debt_clock/ (Refresh it to watch it grow!!!) *edit for bad link*
  15. Talk to Neal at worldhookah.com I'm sure he'll hook you up with something.
  16. Check this crazy story out. Out I don't even know how that would be possible. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,337232,00.html
  17. Let me know what you think of the Aqua. It's on my list of possible KMs that I want to buy.
  18. +1 for Hookah-Shisha They have an all around great selection of Hookahs as well as Shisha and Coals. Sstarbuzz is a great brand (although a little more pricey) and I haven't tried it yet but everyone raves about Fantasia Pink Lemonade. *Edit for Tobacco Suggestions*
  19. Definitely go for a Mya Bambino or QT. They're small but still smoke great. My Bambino smokes as well as any other hookah I have if not better.
  20. I would love to have one of those also but I'm saving up for a new KM and just can't afford a $50 bowl cause I also just got two new Razans
  21. Just got mine too. Thanks guys you're the best. I'll make sure to review it once I get it.
  22. QUOTE (Bulldog_916 @ Mar 11 2008, 09:29 PM) QUOTE (J-thehookaholic @ Mar 11 2008, 04:04 PM) QUOTE (Bulldog_916 @ Mar 10 2008, 06:34 PM) There is no such thing as a politician that has integrity and character. Beg to differ on that one.... Ron Paul. Touche my friend, 99.98% of politicians have no integrity or character. Ron Paul and Barrack Obama being the main exceptions. I'll keep Ron Paul but take away Obama and add Joe Lieberman in his place. His own party ran against him to get him out of office because he wouldn't change his views to walk the party line.
  23. I think they make a HUGE difference. Since I've got mine I haven't used anything else.
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