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  1. QUOTE (Snoopy1966 @ May 3 2008, 08:15 AM) Bump!!! I know there are some college members here is my area. I just want to bump this up so they can hopefully read this and get the word out. Thanks If you could somehow open your lounge within walking distance of a college, that would be ideal. The lounge around here, University of Cincinnati, gets a decent amount of traffic, mainly cause all the colelge kids have to do to get there is walk across th steet. If people had to drive to the lounge around here, they'd lose all the kids that on the whim go "lets get hookah" an merely wonder over.
  2. QUOTE (iamscott06 @ Apr 15 2008, 06:25 AM) I use Azerous for my mac.. Works okay.. Have either of you tried that? If so, how does it compare to Transmission? I think it has a smaller fot print, pretty much Transmission is a for just downloads. Azerous has a lot of other features, like the whole "Vuze" thing, not sure exactly wh its called. I prefer tranmission seems "snappier" to me I also woludnt mind a Deminiod Account, I've been downloading just from direct links lately. http://www.rlslog.net/ usually has links where u cna downlaod the latest realease from direct links. Like Adrive, YaStorage and others.
  3. I think you have to burn an iso version of the .dmg. Or something along those lines On the other hand, if you know anyone with a Leopard CD you can upgrade to leapord that way. There is no serial nmber for lepard. A single install disk could be used to load leopard on 100+ macs. MAC ftw though, i love mine. Can't stand windows, especially vista.
  4. [attachment=1402:Untitled_1.png] Heres my take on it, hopefully im not too late
  5. I always have trouble lighting these. Other than directly on the stove flame, is there any other way to get these hot. I stuck em on a cast iron skillet for at least 8 minutes and they ddtn even change color one bit. After that I just stuck them in the flame for about 5 minutes, rotating and such, and only half the coal was lit. Any thoughts, or am I just donig it wrong.
  6. Sweet looking hookah, I'm going to take my shot at making one of these.
  7. Yeah, I would just go your local hookah shop, or even an "Earthbound" (they're in most lcoal malls), and buy a cheap bowl there. Prob range around $5. Thats prob your best bet.
  8. I use to play all the time. And I mean ALL the time, it completetly took over one of my summers. I had maphack, multiple mule accounts, mf bots. Task specific characters. MF Sorc, Rushing Zon, Dueling Assaian, stuff like that. Then I eventually i started looking to sell my accounts on ebay and realized how much of my summer had been wasted away. So i broke my disk to keep me from playing. Every once in awhile i get the urge to play again or even start WoW, but i always talk my self out of it.
  9. From the Univesity of Cincinnati
  10. QUOTE (Spotless @ Dec 31 2007, 02:40 PM) sain I am curious to know where you got that shirt template or whether or not you could pass it along. I am looking to create a shirt for a local organization and that would be perfect for presentation purposes Spotless I sent you a PM Hopefully the finalist for the comp are going to be posted soon.
  11. Does anyone know where I can find a larger version of Hookah-Shishas Logo? Also Scimita. Ill be sure to get that to you soon. edit: new shirt. I was going for the 3D glasses look. Also Hookah-Shisha is it ok if I submit my shirts on this shirt template; or do y'all prefer the design on your template?
  12. Phish: Took into consideration what you said and redid the design. whatcha think?
  13. Alright just threw together some designs. Ill work on some more later. Im going to try my best to get into the top 3. I don't currently own a hookah and seems this would be a great way to get one.
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