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Everything posted by Phlippinout14

  1. i've been watching animes lately. in the span of 1 month, i watched 5 different animes: 1) avatar 2)samurai champloo 3)Suzuka 4)Neon Genesis Evangelion 5)Air and im currently looking for another one to watch.
  2. so i found out my "washable" hose isnt so washable. i got rust in it like no other now, and i'd prefer not to smoke out of at all. so a new hose is what im looking at. any suggestions? well, let me give you some premises so start out with: -little to no money -short hookah, so the hose adaptor port is small -smoke by myself most of the time, except with cousins when they're over -prefer hose to be short, but that doesnt actually matter THAT much -prefer hose to be THICK so i can get a smoooooooooothh hit from it, like a nammor, or whatever those hoses are i think thats about it any suggestions now?
  3. so i have a pretty small sized hookah, i dont know how tall it is off the top of my head, but i would estimate that its less than 20 inches. i can pull some really good smoke on it though, nice thick clouds. but i also have a friend who has a 30 some inch hookah and he's always bragging that his hookah is WAYYYY better. but the smoke that he makes from that, i can make from my hookah as well. does the type of hookah really matter on how thick your smoke is? my opinion is, that its the bowl, the way the bowl is packed, and the coal placement that really determines how nice or how bad your smoke turns out, not the height of the hookah. but thats just my opinion. without any harsh criticism, i'd like to know other peoples opinions as well, cuz im just wondering thats all
  4. Temecula/Murrieta area. attending MSJC menifee valley campus. south of LA, north of SD
  5. yeahhhh, i noticed that the holes in my vortex bowl are on the lower end...i didnt buy it off a website, i bought it at the smoke shop thats close by. i dont think they'd replace it for free though... but to be honest, im pretty satisfied with my vortex. the juices dont drip AS much as my other bowls. you think i can just putty up the bottom holes, and drill small holes closer to the top of the spire part of the bowl? or put it up at the bottom and just drill one big hole through the top part? or is it just worth getting a phunnel?
  6. first year in college, my roommate and i burned the HELL out of our already nasty ass carpet. there were about 30 burns total. probably about 10 of those burns went THROUGH the carpet and into the cement thats apparently under the laid in carpet. what was REALLY awesome was that we didnt have to pay for it at the end of the year. the cause for all those burns were mainly breaking the coals into bits when holding them in the tongs, or just plain stupidly dropping them. we burned crap out of the old towel that he laid down too. the burns altogether on the towel kinda resembled iraq, which was funny in a way. yeah, we sucked at carrying coals. no doubt. ive been smokin hookah a couple times in my room at home too, and now there are i think three small burns. they're really noticeable though. i hope my parents dont see them
  7. yeah, bulldog_916, i bought myself the vortex just cuz i was curious about it. it turns out, its pretty good so far. i like the way it works. but i still plan on buying myself a phunnel just cuz i KNOW the phunnel can kick some serious you-know-whats. but overall, the vortex is a pretty good bowl. i'd recommend it for those who dont have much hookah experience like me actually. i see the vortex as a beginners bowl, and the phunnel as a more intermediate to advanced bowl for hookah smokers. i think im gonna go and make a positive product review for the vortex.
  8. yeah, i did. i found one of those later on. i guess i should do a little more research before i make a post. but yeah, im gonna try that out
  9. thats so JEENYUS! ive been lookin for a way to lessen the harshness of my smoke sessions. that would probably work on phunnel bowls too huh? have you tried different bowls?
  10. there are soo many different studies out there saying that hookah is better than cigs, or that hookah is worst than cigs. but most of those studies are usually experimented to an EXTREME amount. the experiments that scientists do to prove hookah is worst than cigs is that they would heat the tobacco to where it REALLY burns and where smoke comes, instead of just heating it up with a coal or two where the VAPOR comes and the good smelling stuff. but the studies saying that hookah is better than cigs, those studies are kinda skewed up too. its all just to prove a point, and the scientists like to add some of their personal and professional biases to it sometimes. so its pretty much whatever.
  11. to be honest, that did look like a bowl. its a base though. a very nice base too, i think i'll look into that haha
  12. i actually just got done smokin some hookah for tonight, and i chose Akhla quicklites as my heating source. Akhla was alright, but here is my judgement for it: ease of lighting: pretty darn quick. lights within 5 seconds and turns red hot within 10 seconds. 5/5 taste: tasted some of that coal flavor, but that happens to me all the time with any coals 4/5 (any advice?) smell: lighting the coal was crazy nasty. it lit fast, but it gave off a nasty odor that stung my eyes and smoked up REALLY bad 0/5 ash: ehh, ash happens all the time 3/5 length of burn time: i was disappointed in myself at this point. the coals break too easily for me so i couldnt use it 2/5 overall: ummm....i've used better quicklites. i believe i used either 3kings or golden quicklites. one of those was better than akhla for me so overall: 2.5/5 not totally satisfied with it maybe i did something wrong, who knows. not tryin to put the coals down
  13. personally, i have a feeling obama will win. my reasons are because: obama is young (compared to mccain) obama is charismatic people think mccain is just a bush copy, and people dont want another bush in office those are my reasons, because most people vote only cuz they have to. so they'll just vote based off image, and obama seems to be putting out the better image than mccain. you dont know how many people ive asked about who they're voting for. nearly all of them said obama, only because hes "black". im not being ANYWHERE near racist. im sorry if i offend anyone with that comment. this post can be deleted if anyone feels that way. but thats just what everyone pretty much said. its pretty sad actually, that they will vote only on projected image, and not on what the candidate is really going for. for me, i dont know yet who i will vote for. but if i was gonna vote for obama, it wouldnt be for those reasons above. it would be for something better. if i was gonna vote for mccain, it would be for something worth while, not because i feel sorry for the guy. hope this somewhat helps.
  14. i smoke solo everytime i smoke, which is usually once or twice a week. only time i smoke with people is with family (cousins mainly) also, i dont know anyone else who smokes hookah, and randomly asking people is kinda weird
  15. so im a repetitive caller of the local smoke shop that i have, and i kept calling about the Tangiers Phunnel hookah bowls, if they came in yet. today, i called and they said it finally came in, so i drove hard down to the shop, and i came to realize that it wasnt a tangiers phunnel hookah bowl, it was a vortex hookah bowl (i dont know the company of the vortex bowl). needless to say, i was sad, cuz theres a lot of hype about the phunnel, and ive smoked from it a couple times off my friends hookah. it was great. but i dont want to spend my money yet on the vortex, only to be disappointed, if its not that good. so my question is: which hookah bowl is better? vortex bowl, or tangiers phunnel bowl, with or without scalli mod? thanks
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