I'm practically dancing in my chair right now. The 9th Circuit Court has ruled that Proposition 8 which passed by a narrow margin thanks to the media blitz by the religious right wing, has been struck down by the appeals court. For anyone who doesn't know, Proposition 8 essentially banned gay marriage within the State of California. Those on both sides have sworn to take this to the US Supreme Court which is where proponents of gay marriage have been trying to get for the past couple decades.
I don't see this as a gay issue. I see this as a human rights issues. Civil unions do NOT offer equal rights and responsibilities under the law as marriage does and we know historically "separate but equal" is never equal. In California there are 12 differences between a legal civil union and a marriage. And I firmly believe the rights of same gender couples are being abridged because of it.
Finally this is almost certainly going to make it to SCOTUS, and I think there's hope that same gender marriage will in the not too distant future be allowed in every state. Maybe we should be thanking our religious nut jobs out here from bringing this about!
There's a celebratory glass of wine in my future tonight!