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New Hookahs, Flavors, and Accessories! Stock up for Halloween weekend! You don't want to run out of flavors or charcoals. We got it all! Hookahs Check out the new Amira, Deezer, Starbuzz, and MYA hookahs we just added! We have many new multiple hose hookahs available. BUY NOW Shisha Flavors Trifecta fully stocked! Check out the new flavor Nawar! BUY NOW Charcoals Cocourth and Golden Desert charcoal brands now available! Also our most popular brands Titanium and Coconara have been restocked. BUY NOW Hookah Accessories Alpaca bowls in stock - Predator, Rook, Apache, LeRook, and LiApache. New Lolli-Tip flavors are back in stock as well. BUY NOW ENJOY 15% OFF Be sure to enter code: FALLSALE at checkout to save! 15% Off on ALL orders. Expires 10/26/18 SHOP NOW
New Hookahs, Flavors, and Accessories! Stock up this summer with some new hookah products! We got in some fancy new Amira, MYA, and Deezer hookahs along with a few new Afzal flavors. Don't forget to check out the couple of new charcoal brands we added along with some new hookah accessories! Hookahs Check out the new Amira, Deezer, Starbuzz, and MYA hookahs we just added! We have many new multiple hose hookahs available. BUY NOW Shisha Flavors New Afzal flavors added, Al Waha flavors added, Trifecta Dark Blend is gaining huge popularity if you haven't tried it out yet. BUY NOW Charcoals Cocourth and Golden Desert charcoal brands now available! Also our most popular brands Titanium and Coconara have been restocked. BUY NOW Hookah Accessories Tangiers phunnel bowls in stock - pico, small, medium, large, super chiefs! All lolli-tip flavors are back in stock as well. BUY NOW ENJOY 10% OFF + Free Shipping Be sure to enter code: SUMMER at checkout to save! 10% Off on ALL orders and if over $100 we will throw in FREE shipping for domestic USA orders. Choose Fedex Ground option for the free shipping if over $100. Expires 7/21/18 SHOP NOW
HOLIDAY SPECIAL!!! Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday Deals! We have a very simple and large discount for you! 20% Off Total Purchase! Check out our new products we just got in along with price cuts on hookahs, charcoals, accessories, and flavors! Use Discount Code "holiday" Expires 11/27/17 Newsletter:
- has been busy adding many new products: Shisha Brands - NU Shisha, Ugly Tobacco, Pure Tobacco, Zomo Tobacco, and Trifecta New Bowls - Gilani Glass Phunnel, HJ Trytis Bowl, Alpaca Bowls, Sahara Stone Vortex, and KS Appo Stone Bowls New Hookahs - Amira Magnetic Hookahs and Shika Hookahs We are running a special until the end of Sept for 15% off total purchase -Discount Code: "fallspecial" -
Hey guys, I'm new to the forum. I'm from Jacksonville, Florida, the beach area to be specific. Hookah has gone from a hobby to more of an obsession for me, so I figured it would be nice to meet others who are the same. There are several hookah lounges in my area, and I've fallen hard for it. Since I bought my current setup back in February of 2011 I've gone from smoking once in a while, to once a week, and now I smoke nearly every day, most of the time several times a day. My favorite brands right now are Al Fahker, Fantasia, Al Tawareg, and Romman. I've sampled Starbuzz and Tangiers. I've also experimented with Hydro Herbal and Shizao Shisha Steam Stones. Outside of hookah, I enjoy music of all kinds, sports, and poker. This seems like a great forum, and I'm sure I will have plenty of fun learning from others more experienced than I about hookah.
My Favorite Flavor of hookah is definately "Bob Marley" its a mix of blue mist and sex on the beach. It is super good, super smooth, and you can smoke it for a while without it going bad. I havnt really found a GREAT brand of coals, but if its instant lites, I just throw them out or give them to a friend because they make the hookah taste like ass. haha. With Flavor I like Paradise tobacco. they are an excellent brand if you want a long lasting hookah, I suggest half paradise, and half starbuzz, since starbuzz is only for flavor, not duration. Your thoughts?
My question is, I see all these reviews where people are using like 4 coals or more! In what way is that possibly necessary? I use one coconara and if i use Q.L.'s cause' I'm out of my good coals, i use then maybe two. Is it the setup? I feel like all my shisha would burn away... I will say this, I used to not think much about wind covers, until I got one. Now I use only 1 coal, and definitely only one. I used to use two, but I just can't fathom 4 or more. What possibly is the reason you would need to use so many? Someone please explain this to me, it bothers me because I can't find any logic in it. Further more, I believe in the best coals, shisha, and hoses. And while nice expensive hookah's are ideal, I don't believe they are entirely necessary. I have a $30 hookah that is nice and airtight, and the hits i get are phenomenal. I'm sure I will buy a expensive one when I fall in love with it, but for now I'm content. And as a last note, do you think it is embarassing if I shoot videos/reviews with said $30 hookah? Haha, I don't say a lot because I don't feel like speaking on something I know nothing about, but I feel as if any information I do offer would be quite noteworthy. So if I post, will I look like a jerk because I have a cheap set-up? Will people disregard my opinions because of this set-up? Any thoughts, comments, tips; much appreciated. Take it easy! -D.S.[left] [color=#fafafa !important][size=4][/size][/color][img][/img][/left]
Hey everyone, If you can be sure to check out Therapy Coffee Bar and Lounge`! It just opened up in Atlanta, GA and is chill hip place to smoke ur hookah... plus the coffee is great~! Check out there website here:[url="http://"][/url] Or check them out on facebook~! [url=""][/url]
Hello. Can someone help me identify the source of the picture? As in, do you know where this is from? [img][/img] I hope this is the right section to post this. Thanks
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So, I bought an antique hookah at a yard sale about 6 months ago. I paid 75 bucks for it..It's a Syrian hookah, a hand-painted green base with a Qajar portrait on it. The hookah stands about 30" tall, the stem is bi-metal (copper and brass) with a wide ash-catcher and has an intricately beaded hose. I love it, and am not really looking to part with it, but I'm looking for a rough value for insurance purposes...can anyone help me out with this? Many thanks in advance! [url=""][/url]
Alright so I met with the partner for the Hookah bar and Just had a few questions. 1) How many people would you guys say frequent a Hookah bar on a given day? Say poor day, average day, good day? 2) What products would you consider to cannibalize the sale of Hookah? Beer, Wine, Bar Food, ETC 3) What would you consider the best compliment products for a Hookah Bar to offer? Beer, Wine, Bar food, ETC 4) Obviously, atmosphere is important in a hookah bar. Is it alright to go away from the middle eastern theme maybe tropical? 5) What level of ventilation would you guys like to see in a hookah bar? Thanks for any help in advanced and I look forward to some nice discussions
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Hello everyone! I am new to the Hookah Forum, but dropped in because I noticed a large amount of good information availible. I am going to start my own hookah bar here shortly and came here to have some possible questions answered. A little bit about me first, My name is Eric and I live in Virginia. I have a degree in Finance and marketing and am getting my MBA now. I enjoy wakeboarding, snowboarding, jetskiing, hockey, and networking with new people. I try to keep busy with business development and a hookah bar is one of two things I am doing. I would like to network with as many hookah users here as possible and learn answers to everything I do not know, as well as share information I do know and become a valuable member of this community. I admin a set of forums myself and know how much a single member that contributes can add value to a set of forums. Thanks for reading my introduction and I looking forward to meeting you all, Eric Hakooh Bar
Anyone wanna smoke some hookah over skype? lemme know (: Skype- Thatswahatshesaid14
Hey All, I'm Patrick and I just signed up for a HF account. Seems like a real cool, supportive group of people here, all eager to share knowledge about a topic that has brought us all together. I would love to get to know all of you, and maybe one day be looked upon as a top tier hookah aficionado. [i]Add me as a friend - let's spread the love.[/i] I have smoked hookah probably close to 7 years now - but I have never really immersed myself in it. I knew nothing of the culture, all of the exotic equipment & shishas, or techniques to make my experience better. Yeah, I knew to put ice cubes in the vase and mix flavors - I'm talking about the stuff that only comes from veteran experience. With that being said, consider me a beginner who [i]has[/i] smoked hookah before but hasn't appreciated the finer things - someone who wants to hone in on the very essence of everything that is hookah. Throw away the tips you can read on any google search - give me something profound. So tell me hookah mavens - [u]What [b]one[/b] thing do you wish you knew about hookah when you were starting out?[/u]
So I am looking to get another hookah an not sure which would be best I want a 3 or 4 hoser and not sure which brand is best. Height preferebly would be around 30 to 40 inches. I know you guys won't steer me wrong Thanks everyone
HEY HOOKAH LOVERS! SMOKING HOOKAH JUST GOT WAY BETTER! CHECK OUT THIS NEW PRODUCT [color=#B22222][u][b][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE ON EBAY![/font][/b][/u][/color] JUST [u][b][color=#800000]COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK RIGHT BELOW[/color][/b][/u] TO DIRECTLY VIEW THE EXCLUSIVE NEW ORGANIC HOOKAH CLEANSER! [color=#800000][b][u]CHECK OUT THE PHOTO TOO![/u][/b][/color] I'VE USED THIS PRODUCT AND IT IS AMAZING! IT WORKS GREAT AND I ESPECIALLY LOVE HOW IT CAN DEFINITELY KEEPs [color=#ff0000](Nice grammar you schmuck)[/color]YOUR HOOKAH CLEAN AND ENHANCEs [color=#ff0000](wtf?)[/color]THE FLAVOR OF FRUITY HOOKAH HEADS! THIS IS A MUST FOR ALL HOOKAH OWNERS TO KEEP THEIR HOOKAHS CLEAN AND DISINFECTED, ALSO TO REDUCE THE BUILD UP OF MOLD OR HOOKAH GUNK FROM SMOKING. [color=#ff0000](YOU GET MOLD IN YOUR HOOKAH? AND WE SHOULD LISTEN TO YOU?)[/color] I REALLY LOVE THIS PRODUCT AND I WANT TO SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD. HERE'S A LITTLE DESCRIPTION. [color=#ff0000](oh wait, try cleaning your shit now and then.)[/color] [size=2][color=#FF0010][b][u]EXCLUSIVE TO EBAY, NOT SOLD ANYWHERE ELSE! [/u][/b][/color][/size] [size=2]An ancient remedy brought back to life! This 100% organic hookah cleanser made of only the finest[/size] 100% organic ingredients does wonders to your hookah. This cleanser cleans, disinfects, and gets rid of those horrible odors that remain in the hookah after use. You ask how do we get rid of nasty mint smell and taste out of the hookah after a nice smoking sesh? [color=#ff0000](SESH? really?)[/color] YOU CANT! The only way to get rid of that smell is to buy a new hookah. [color=#ff0000](i wanna be your hookah supplier...)[/color] That nasty double apple black liquorice taste still bothering you? NOT ANYMORE! This amazing organic cleanser is made of [color=#ff0000]Cow flops and dog urine[/color] that not only clears the disgusting smell right out, it gently disinfects your whole hookah in minutes! The active ingredients in this harmonious blend of whole organic plant extracts is 100% safe and effective in cleaning out hookahs efficiently. [color=#ff0000](so is lemon juice, or hey, hot water and soap)[/color]This ancient remedy for hookahs is used all over the world and enhances the enjoyment of smoking.[color=#ff0000] (Ancient my ass)[/color] Try the product out for yourself and see what the buzz is about at your local hookah bars. This solution is 100% safe to even use to enhance smoking your favorite hookah flavors with! The cleaning and healing properties of this antioxidant blend of various organic ingredients specially bond together to keep your hookah clean and prevent build up of mold and dirt in your hookah and even your hookah hose! Keeping your entire hookah and hoses even fresher than brand new[/color] [b]Ingredients: horse shit. Dog urine, rasta droppings. [/b] [attachment=5657:IMG00121.jpg]
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Hi guys, First I've just joined and I didn't want to be a dead member that nobody knows but always asks for help. I thought I'd introduce myself to everybody on here. I've been smoking shisha for about a year now and love it with a passion haha. I have to say my favourite tobacco brand is definately Al Fakher (Banana preferably) but Starbuzz Blue Mist is a close second. I have a question for you guys if you don't mind. I'm looking to buy a hard carry case for my 20" hookah. Can anybody recommend any or know anywhere on the internet or in Nottingham (preferably) that I can buy one from? I don't have anything to carry it around with at the moment and would quite like to get out in the open with it instead of it being stuck at home. Thank you guys for any help or advice you can offer. StueyCIDE
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Just curious as to thoughts on hookah addiction. Have you or anyone you know ever been addicted to smoking hookah? Do you think addiction to hookah is common or even possible? I am aware that one can become addicted to just about anything, I'm speaking more in comparison to a cigarette or other tobacco addiction. As an ex-cigarettesmoker I notice some stark differences in my feelings towards hookah versus cigarettes. For example I never feel like I need hookah, however I am a consistent smoker. I have also never felt any withdrawl symptoms when I stop smoking hookah for any period of time. Cravings for hookah also seem non-existent for me. I generally feel it is a complete matter of choice when I smoke hookah unlike when I smoked cigarettes and I felt like I needed them. Thoughts on why one may be so addicted to cigarettes and not so much with hookah? Anyone feel the same way?
Description Kush Hookah Lounge is a premier hookah lounge located in Skokie Illinois. Kush has been open since June 16 2010. Kush offers a very cool environment and very relaxing atmosphere. Kush offers many flavors of hookah and many types of refreshments. Address 3327 Dempster Skokie Illinois 60077 Phone 847-676-KUSH Website [url=""][/url] (still under construction) Status Open until 4:00 am Hours Mon - Wed: 7:00 pm - 2:00 am Thurs - Sat: 7:00 pm - 4:00 am Sun: 7:00 pm - 2:00 am