Hey All,
I'm Patrick and I just signed up for a HF account. Seems like a real cool, supportive group of people here, all eager to share knowledge about a topic that has brought us all together. I would love to get to know all of you, and maybe one day be looked upon as a top tier hookah aficionado. [i]Add me as a friend - let's spread the love.[/i]
I have smoked hookah probably close to 7 years now - but I have never really immersed myself in it. I knew nothing of the culture, all of the exotic equipment & shishas, or techniques to make my experience better. Yeah, I knew to put ice cubes in the vase and mix flavors - I'm talking about the stuff that only comes from veteran experience.
With that being said, consider me a beginner who [i]has[/i] smoked hookah before but hasn't appreciated the finer things - someone who wants to hone in on the very essence of everything that is hookah. Throw away the tips you can read on any google search - give me something profound.
So tell me hookah mavens - [u]What [b]one[/b] thing do you wish you knew about hookah when you were starting out?[/u]