Ok, so this is my first post, so bear with me here...
So I broke down and bought the Shishavac. Mostly because I needed to clean my hoses, my stove HATES lighting anything but quicklights (ugh), and I usually set up 2 or more hookahs and needed a practical way to light the charcoal, clean the hoses, dry the hookah parts, etc. I believe it was a good investment, but there's only one problem. I use Coco Naras almost exclusively, and I have to take the basket off the burner and flip the coals over every time. Admittedly, I'm using old-school cube-shaped Cocos, so if I switch to the flatter ones I might get better results, but I still have 120-someodd coals left to burn through until I run out.
Is anyone else running into this problem? If so, (or if not,) does anyone have any ideas? I'm a little worried about leaving the coals in the burner for too long without flipping them, as the bottom tends to taper and decrease the surface area.