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Has Anyone Compiled A List Of The Different Tobaccos?

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Has anyone made a list of the different tobaccos which reports on brand characteristics? And maybe a list of "must try" tobacco brands/flavors for somone who just got their hookah?

I have a large Mya that will be coming in on Thursday and am really excited on trying some great brands and flavors. I know from smoking shisha at resturants, that I enjoy the buzz but they really dont have a brand since they make their own shisha. I ordered a 250g jar of Double-Apple Nahkla with the Mya to start off so i'll see how that goes. The only other brand that ive had is Hookah-Hookah, and I honestly hate it. Ive tried three different flavors of the stuff and they all tasted very chemical like, while also leaving me with a bad headache for the rest of the day.

I keep seeing common name/flavor combinations like Nahkla/Double Apple, SB/X on the Beach, AW/After-Nine.... I'll def be trying these but if theres any lists or "common knowledge" must-try brand/flavors then please let me know.

- misterbeetz
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Nakhla is not a bad smoke. But it's a bit basic and 'old skool'

I am an old git, and love nahka... however I prefer to smoke layalina these days.
Most modern tobacco's are a lot fresher, and a lot more moist and will create clouds & clouds of smoke
and last for at laest a 2 hr session biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Mind you, nakhla packed well and mixed with a touch of glycarin will smoke for a few hours too!

Bottom line :-
Nakhla - old skool & good.
Modern tobacco's - New kids on the block, and taste GREAT

Layalina is my 'go-to' tobacco. Well priced, Wet as a lake - and smokes GREAT!

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im keeping every empty box that i smoke.and just by looking at it i can remember it it was a good smoke or not.
i only get 3 brands

al-waha - thick everytime - buzz for me everytime - decent flava
afzal - great cut - buzz most of the time - some flavas exceed others
naklha - CRIKEY - niccotine in this one made me SHAKE ! - too harsh for me cuz i aint a smoker lol
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Hmm.. everyone will have their own person favorite flavors, but I'll try to make a quick list of my all time favorites. I think the hard part will be just keeping the list less than 20 flavors LOL Oh well, I'll try my best...

Nakhla - Apple (my favorite regular Apple flavor for sure, a taste I'll never forget)
Nakhla - Strawberry (first ma'assell I ever smoked 10 years ago... still my favorite strawberry flavor)
Fumari - White Peach (best peach I've ever had, definately worth the price of admission (no buzz though))
Nakhla - Cola (my favorite cola flavor... rich, robust, very cola nutty)
Nakhla - Cherry (a great cherry flavor with a touch of something floral. Unique and tasty)
Al-Fakher - Grape (Mouth watering flavor... hard to describe but truly excellent (no buzz though))
Golden Seal Al-Fakher - Eskandarani Apple (a green apple champegne sorta thing, has a very bubbly feeling in the throat (no buzz though))
Nakhla - Orange (best and most realistic orange flavor I've ever tasted, a longtime favorite)
Nakhla - Lemon (most realistic lemon flavor I've ever tasted, Nakhla does citrus flavors quite well)
Fumari - Watermelon (A great watermelon flavor, can be a little canaloupey at times (no buzz though))
Nakhla - Double Apple (the tried and true standard for double apple, excellent stuff)
Nakhla - Mint (mix it with anything and everything for a cool and refreshing smoke, can be a little overpowering on it's own)
Nakhla - Chocolate Mint (chocolate + mint, whats not to love?)
Al-Fakher - Apple (my second favorite regular Apple flavor, it's extremely high quality and delicious (no buzz though))

There are probably a dozen other flavors I could list, but those are my tried and true favorites for sure. Of those I listed I would consider the "everyone must try at least once" flavors to be...

Nakhla - Apple
Nakhla - Strawberry
Nakhla - Double Apple
Nakhla - Orange
Nakhla - Mint
Al-Fakher - Grape
Al-Fakher - Apple
Golden Seal Al-Fakher - Eskandarani Apple
Fumari - White Peach
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Fumari - Watermelon (A great watermelon flavor, can be a little canaloupey at times (no buzz though))

smoking it right now for the first time, not impressed. Tastes like jolly ranchers (gets old real quick, just like an actual jolly rancher!), smokes weak....really weak, buzz is decent for washed, but i was expecting alot more from the reviews, of which i will be amending soon.
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