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Monkey Goes Bye Bye

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Verbose little sucker. Most unhappy to have to actually follow the rules. Useth fancy language to be both insulting and threatening. Y'all would LOVE the pm he sent when I told him that the drug ban is non-negotiable. Promises divine and not so divine retribution and to return in yet another glorious form to pester us and push his views some more. Where have we heard this one before...

Anyway, The monkey has been subject to the High, low, and middle justice and needs to get a life. His writing is in vain and shall continue to be such. Edited by mushrat
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I like that you report when someone gets the boot. It's good to let the people know that the mods aren't impotent after all.

Not that I ever thought they were. I've just been on a lot of forums where the mods are AWOL. Edited by Akkbar
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