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Which One Should I Get

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get the qt or the SS egyptian. I have both, but I would recommend the qt over the SS. It's easier to maintain becuase of the stem that you can take apart where as the SS one doesn't come apart Edited by ASUSEAN1
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Man, those are 2 totally different hookahs and we know nothing about your personal preferences, what you like, what you're looking for, its like asking us which underwhear to buy, You;re going to need to give us soemthign more to go on. Both are excellent hookahs of totally different styles, designs, and origins.

Which do YOU want to smoke out of? All you are going to get here are get the first one from people who like traditional hookahs, and get the QT from the near fanatical QT following and none of them will have anything to do with what YOU want in a hookah. blink.gif
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lol youre right, alright ill break some personal prefrence down

i can't get a hookah bigger than 22" and im done with the China hookahs cause i already got one, i just want a hookah that will be easy to clean and is good quality that will last a long time , Also one that gives real good hits.

Now ive been reading some posts from before saying QT is good but also egyptian is good so im still confused so thats why i posted lol , it's really up to those 2 hookahs basically which is one better than the other , Personally i like both of em but just dont know which one is better
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I own a QT, just got it two days ago, I'm very happy, and I say if your gonna order it, get it from Hookah-Shisha.com, they give you tons of free things. Also, they give you a 15% hf discount, and a free hosecover with the word "Velvet". Ive been lookin at getting an egyptian, so if you go with that let me know.
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thank u all for the replies smile.gif

i think ive made a decision and gonna go with the Mya qt because i read about it more and it looks like a very good hookah and the reviews were good as well... its also better becuase i gotta put it on a table in my backyard and buyin the 22" will be too big

does anyone kno any good website to get it from other than hookah-shisha.com?

also, what kind of hoses can i put in the QT other than the one it comes with? Edited by Hokis
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You can get a QT from mnhookahs.com and a couple of other sites, but H-S really does have the best deal..Especially with the discount code (Hookah Forum) i think

and hoses, you can fit just about any of them in there. If you get a Mya Wide though, you'll need to take out the hose grommet and stretch it over the end and then twist it into the port Edited by Hookah_Bob3
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Like I said, go with hookah-shisha.com, those guys are grea,t if you have questions talk to there live support, Jon is a great guy, and so is Kevin. The discount is great, and the qt comes with the standard metal cage to carry it in, a wind cover, hose, two packs of shisha, two rolls of coal, mouth tips galore, tongs, and a hose cover with the code "velvet", and a 15 % discount with "hookah forum". Also, the more you buy the more reward points you get (store credit) I basicly got my qt for free cause i orderd a $100+ rotator.
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alright cool i went to their website again and im going to get it from there , thanks for all the advice:)

one more question... i noticed some QT's have different stems... do the different stems matter at all?

thanks =]
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Actually, I don't like the hand grenade stem ones (can't remeber the class, but you'll know it if you see it" Since the stem is totally hollow it means you are pulling through the entires open space. Different hits I've noticed. I prefer one of the narrower stem styles.
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my friend has the narrow stemmed one featured on h-s, and I have the grenade looking stem on mine. Personally I think they are both wonderful, I just like mine because it gives the hookah a whole new, full bodied look. If you want one like mine, leave a special request with your order, they might have one in stock.
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i think it goes something like this.. i could be wrong tho

s-class the grenade looking one- also the newest one on the mya saray site
c-class oldest one- not sure if it is called c class but almost positive ( 1 buldge in the middle)
e-class least seen one around here- 3 little buldges in stem.. this is the one i have Edited by ASUSEAN1
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Yes, it should. =]
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