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How To Tangiers

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I've been trying to figure tangiers out for at least a year, and have never been able to have a complete successful bowl. My setups an Egyptian with ceramic bowl, two japan square coals, and tobacco set in the bowl with lots of holes in the foil. Any advice on how to have a good session would be appreciated. I can honestly say I've never completely finished a bowl of any brands, or had a session last more than about 30-45minuits and usually half of the tobacco is left. I remember going to a hookah bar, where the bowl wouldn't produce smoke for a while, my bowls usually smoke after a few draws, and a few times ago it was going really good for a few minuets, then was wispy and harsh, usually what happens, and i cant seem to revive it or find a setup that works.
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i think after alot of practice i got tangiers down to an art form. i have just read every post about how to smoke it and followed it to the T. so over pack the bowl! like so shisha is flowing over the top. then start heating it up slow. o and before that let the shisha sit out for 2-4 hours. sounds like alot to go through but its well worth the wait.
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