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Hookah And Shisha To Canada

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Alright well I am leaving Germany to go back home to Canada and have just purchased a new Hookah and like a bunch of Shisha. I wouldn't be worried about bringing it home so much if I was of legal age to possess tobacco products. I am only 17 and you must be 18 to bring it into Canada. Any tips on what I should do?
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Put in your luggage and hope that no one asks you to open your suitcase on return.

I would imagine it would be less risky than posting it (as lots of canandians seem to get busted via post)


[edit : my 1000th Post! woot. Just proves i'm a dork tongue.gif ]
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And is the charcoal stuff okay to pack to or should I try to keep that somewhat hidden as well? This will only be my 2nd flight I've ever taken (the first one being when I came to Germany) so thats why I'm so nervous.
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do this, wrap the boxes of shisha in your clothes. and hope they dont see it. Are you traveling alone? if yes then thats ur only way out if no then just give it to the grown up. Usually they dont say shit, i have traveled with tobacco and liquor im my luggage and i was only 17 they never said anything. Coal. i think its a waist of room in your luggage. they probably have what u need in Canada.
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if you don't declare it to Canada Customs and they discover it, you go on The List. You don't want to be on The List.

Mail it to yourself, markes fruit mollasses. The worst that'll happen is customs will open it and, seeing there's tobacco in it, slap a duty on the package to be paid on delivery.
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It depends how much you have. I used to travel to france i brought back 4 bottles of wine when i was 14 for my mom. I traveled alone as well if they do ask you might get in trouble just say its for your parents and act like you dont know what you did wrong. I think theres a pretty slim chance of you getting into any trouble. And what exactly is the list?
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Check the pipe and the tobacco in your luggage and if found out, claim that its not tobacco. The pipe is a pipe, but the maasel isn't maasel. If they insist that it is, say you didn't know that it was and the man who sold it insisted it was fruit juice, molasses, etc. If you don't know that you are breaking the law (or feign that you don't know it), often you will skate from it. Cry like a girl if necessary. Peeing your pants is a lead-pipe-cinch to get off the hook, but even I'm not that brave. Don't be afraid of the law. Its intentionally lax to protect average people from getting screwed. People that break the law continue to do so with seeming impunity...why? Because the law gives you every break possible if you aren't doing drugs or hurting other people. Edited by Sonthert
For clarity
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