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Al Amir Shisha

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So I have a lot of Al Amir 50kg packs and today i smoked 2 flavours with some pals. First we smoked Rasberry then Watermellon and I must say that Al Amir produces my favorite smoke. The smoke is so white and crisp looking. But then later when I was done, we all had headaches. We smoke almost every day and we ususally don't get headaches so I was wondering if Al amir gives anyone else headaches. I wish it didn't do that because I really enjoyed the smoke.
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Al Amir is washed.. so that probably wont help too much. You may be geting the headaches from carbon monoxide. What kind of coals are you using, and are you making sure they are FULLY lit before throwing them on the bowl? Are you usign a windcover? If so , try smoking without it to let some of the happy fumes from the coals dissipate instead of being drawn into the head and through the pipe.

I'm glad someone liked the Al Amir watermelon... I thought it tasted like air. The Layalina Watermelon kicks it's ass to the curb. While I have loved some of my Al Amir sessions, watermelon was a big letdown, as was the Mocha Latte, which neither tasted or smelled anything like coffee, or much of anything else for that matter. My favorite Al Amir sessions have been their grape, cherry and mango. With blackberry coming in closely behind.
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another thing... Al Amir seems to have a lot of sugar in it. I wonder if that is contributing...

Starbuzz also seems to be really heavily sweetened and I know it gives some folks headaches. Not from the nicotine, as it is also washed, but i have heard theories it is because of the sugar content.

Maybe just wait longer between puffs so you are not depriving yourself of clean oxygen too much.
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i hated al amir... it all smells lovely, but we (BF and I) have tried about 6-7 different flavors... and they all tasted the same and made both of us somewhat ill.... and HE'S a HUGE ciggy smoker and got sick (This boy can puff on tangiers like a furnace where I have to sip it). We both hate Al Amir... it's a pity the local shops dropped Al Waha in favor of the stuff.
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al amir tastes like chemicals,, and its probably the reason you are getting those hearches becuase they put so much nasty shit in there
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