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Good Smoke Bad Smoke Q

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Once in poland, I tried one lungfull of shisha and it was very good. I could not feel the smoke going down, and on exhale I could feel that my internals got covered in something which gave me a good high. Kindalike nicotine, I believe. Anyways, on trying to setup a shisha myself I got this result: tasting the flavours may or may not work. More importantly, on getting a lungfull (actually two lungfulls) of smoke, nothing or very little is felt on exhale. So I ask, how to set it up properly? Without that great relaxing feeling on exhale, this seems little worth. Thanks for responses!
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Well i personally think it's matter of exprience and the hookah your using...
to get a great taste you'll need to know how to pack a good bowl, the best method i tried and currently do is placing foil on the bowl without shisha and toothpicking the holes in the bowl, than placing the shisha on that foil and placing foil over the shisha as usual... this produces better burn of the shisha since the coal heats the shisha better...
if the smoke is too harsh (which i actully like since i smoke cigs and it's a good feeling in my opinion...) try blowing air into the hose slowly to clear some smoke for the base.
and another thing, you should place the water in a level that they cover like 2' of the pipe, you should get a nice sound of good bubbles...
it's a matter of exprience... after 3-4 times you should get nice smoke and further usage will make you even better, one thing about the buzz, i don't understand the people who like the buzz, the Hookah is used most widely for party, and social means, the buzz is a feeling whom someone who dosen't smoke and smoke hookah is used to achive but as with cigs this feeling pass away ones your body gets used to it... if you really want a buzz i suggest not smoking a hookah and just moving on to other stuff cause the hookah is not for getting high, no matter how you call it.
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