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Anyone Have Trouble With Service From Taqseem?

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After ordering My hookah and getting a rotator that spins like the leaning tower of piza

I thought that if I brought it to their attention that they wouldn't mind replacing it, being never used...

I've Emailed and gotten nothing? What is my next step to do?
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This is why I won't buy anything from them anymore. Once they've got your cash, 'poof'! They pull a vanishing act. Now, I'm sure they will see this thread, respond to you, and prove me wrong. I hope they do, for your sake. But you should also know that you are not the first with this kind of experience, nor will you be the last, I am sure.
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there is a couple of things you can do. Number 1. go to the website and click contact and write them there
2. go to their ebay store, write them a message there
3. write them a message here
4. find out where he is from -state/ city and then look up or call 411
if that doesn't work you can -

if after those attempts you still get nothing, try and get someone on ebay, who bought an item from him, to get his phone number. or you can "buy" another product....... and get the phone number that way.

i've bought thigns from him and have never had an issue. My hookah also leaned, but i took out the grommet between the stem and the base, and it stopped leaning. you might want to try that. (i havent' had leakage or anything either...._)

|| <=== the grommet right here between the base and stem(where they attach) , have the stargate though, so maybe it might be the same for you.
/ \ Edited by kornkitten42
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Hi guys,

If an email is not replied to right away it does not mean it is ignored. I don’t know what experience you guys speaking from. Why don’t you ask the experience of the other members that have gotten replacement parts on the spot even after 2 years and not even bought from us directly but from a dealer of ours.

ioannisds "Once they've got your cash, 'poof'! They pull a vanishing act."

That statement is not accurate as we do not focus on retail but wholesale. We don’t have an online shop like the other companies focusing on retail sales. We are heavily promoting our brand name and distributing our product to wholesalers mostly. However when we get an email from the guys on here we do sell directly as a promotion.

We are not hiding; you can find our contact information on our site easily.

1-877-Taqseem (827-7336)
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