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My Problems With The "hafa" Khalil Mamoun Hookah

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First of all, I want you to know that I am a seasoned hookah smoker.

I bought this hookah from Hookahcompany, I got a terrible product.

The stem was filled with some kind of lubricant or tarnish, when i cleaned it out brown sludge came out.

The hose is a piece of crap, was filled with black particles and wasnt airtight. HORRIBLE!

On the outer part of the hookah, there are visible weld marks, how the hell did this thing pass quality assurance?

On the down stem there was a thin piece of metal sticking out which cut my finger pretty deep when I was trying to cover the downstem to even see if this piece of shit is airtight. It fucking hurt.

I want to warn you all, I have read great reviews about Khalil Mamoun hookahs, but be careful and make sure to look over your hookah. It may be very dangerous if you are not careful handling it!

I smoked out of it twice and i've been throwing up all night and have had diarhea.

I sent them an e-mail about tihs, I will let you guys know how it goes.

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Yeah, they suck, from the ones I've seen. As is the case many times, somebody comes along builds a good name through quality and workmanship and then burn it to make money. They never recover once it starts going downhill...the decline of Khalil Maamon. Frankly, I never thought they worth any sort of special praise from the get go...any more than Levi-Strauss should get praise for making good quality jeans. Lots of companies do the identical thing, but with no "brand-name" or a different brand-name.

That black stuff is buffer polish to shine the shanks up, if its the same black stuff I saw on new Khalil Maamons. Its kinda like black butter, except harder to get off.

Do you get that same nasty chemical flavor from the hose...the one that never seems to fade?
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Man, that really bites. As I said in the other thread, I had no such problems with my KM Amer -- it's the best hookah I've ever used. There was a bit of black dust in the hose port, but I only noticed it when I put a finger in there. It's not there anymore...

For the record, I don't think the hose that comes with the Hafa is made by KM. It's one of the reasons I went with the Amer instead -- the wrapped Khalil hose isn't perfect, but after the chemical taste faded (6-8 smokes for it to be gone completely) it's one of the best hoses I own. (#1 is the custom vinyl I made with one of those acrylic mouthpieces, #2: tundora from HC, #3: wrapped Khalil. Forget the Mya wide... )

Anyway, I'd try giving HC a call -- see if they can't do something about the problems with your machine there...
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Cymptom says the cores from Hookah Company are brass...thats OK, then. I've been seeing the all steel ones...I even seen ones with steel cores, but the core metal is shined and colored to resemble brass...yet it seems to be steel. From the smell. Take a handful of quarters....hold them in your hand for a couple of minutes until they're good and warm...smell. Thats the smell of copper (nickel, the other constituent of quarters is almost completely odorless). Rinse the metal core exposed with rubbing alcohol (Not while charcoal are burning....silly!). Hold your hand over it, get it warm...then smell the core metal on the KM...it should have the same characteristic copper aroma...perhaps a little more sour-vinegary....but copper none the less! Smell steel on a hookah, it has a faint, ethereal, kind of old-car smell. Get a difference and let your nose do the work! Its also a very good test for gold. Gold is odorless...silver has a distinctive metallic seaweed aroma to it.
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I hope I get one of the good ones >.< If not, it's going back; I've been without hookah for almost a week now and it's hard, but I don't want to deal with sludge.
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