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I'm Going To Visit Tangiers!

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So, I have to go to SD next month to visit family, so I figure I can go to Mexico and get drunk, and visit tangiers!

To those that have been to his lounge, is there stuff that I should pick up that I can't online? Anything really special I should request? wink.gif

Thanks guys!
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I gotta go visit him sometime soon too now that I'm back in OC for good. I was just down in Escondido yesterday with family, but didn't have the time to look him up, and he was probably closed for the holiday anyways.
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cool stuff man! i been wanting to go forever. i have a week vacation and if i planned it right school will b out and i will most def take a trip down there with a few buddies. we have been talkin bout goin 2 so cal for a while now so yea goin 2 tangiers lounge is def on the to do list.
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Say hello to him for me while you're there hehe and load up on he shisha and give everyone here at the forum hehe smile.gif that would be a great idea and don't forget about the new bowl/head while you're smoking there. Peace Send him my regards, he seems like a nice guy. Take a picture of his place too that should be nice smile.gif Have a nice trip.
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