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Need Help Identifying Hookah

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These are pictures of the hookahs one of the local lounges uses. I'm pretty sure it's a Mya. I just don't know which one sad.gif. Anyone know which hookah this is? Possibly a mix and match of a Mya base and Mya stem? Pictures are below. The base looks a lot like this hookah http://www.myasaray.com/store/item.asp?ITEM_ID=892&DEPARTMENT_ID=49 but is slightly different. Any input would be greatly appreciated!

The Stem.

The base.

The hookah.

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It looks like the bohemian glass hookah and i'm also sure it's a MYA with different MYA base. Thats just my opinion though smile.gif peace dude keep smoking shisha
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I have a friend who has one almost identical to that and it was a Mya. Your pictures are kinda blurry. Some new Syrian stuff looks just like that, too.

Yea the zoom kinda ruined it. But now I'm just looking for the stem.

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I don't know. It's what my local lounge uses that I want to build.

The vase is a Mya Bohemian Chorme Screw-On Glass Vase (SKU: H-235-C) Dark Blue.

Now I just need the stem. It's not listed on the Mya website.

I'll find out tonight if I can just buy it from the place and see how much it's going to be, but if it's cheaper just to buy the parts, then that's the route I'll go.

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Hey TX,

The stem looks similar to the ones we use on our Acrylics. Mya's often look different because each distributor gets a vase and stem from the catalogue and then buys in bulk. This hookah is basically the same as a Vortex on hookahshisha, except with a different stem.

Like the others said to check for authenticity look for the stamps and the labels. Also, check to see if the stem was forged and has that weirdly shaped/colored metal on the inside. If it’s just a straight pipe, it’s probably a knockoff. Also, Mya uses real Gold on its vases so that it doesn’t wash off like regular paint. If you see it chipping or smearing, its probably a fake. One more good check is, see if the hose adapter has a one-way seal ... i.e. a ball bearing.

If you are interested we can probably get you one just like that, we may actually start carrying them soon, so PM or email if you’re interested.

Hope this helps.wink.gif

Hookah Life
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I believe this is what your hookah lounge is using. http://www.myasaray.com/store/item.asp?ITE...EPARTMENT_ID=46 I picked up the Golden Stemmed version myself from a place in town just yesterday. I got the stem by itself and fixed it to a large Egyptian Vase. All I can say is that this setup rocks like you would not believe. It is smooth as hell, tastes great, and my clouds are wonderful. I am using a Widemouth Mya Hose Also. Great Setup!!!
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