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Worste Smoking Night Ever

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It was our typical Friday night activities of the summer. The guys get together, drink a little, smoke, and you know just kick back and relax. Beer pong had subsided and now we were just chilling on the couch, smoking up some Tangiers Cocoa out of a 30'' 3 hoser, and playing some Super Smash Brothers. Nothing could go wrong. In the midst of the best buzz I have ever had, one of my friends comes barreling into the room, completly oblivious to the hookah, and in the last moment jumps just nicking the top of the windscreen which popped right off. The room was dead silent, everyone was just waiting for it to start tipping, but it didnt. Then came a period of cursing unlike this world has ever seen tongue.gif . Sadly we all went back to what we were doing and some how some way it started to tip over towards the couch. With the wind screen gone 2 pieces of the coal fell right onto my friends lap and sparks went everywhere. After the hustle and bussle was finished we smelt a burning smell (still drunk). Confused, we moved the couch only to find two quarter sized holes in the carpet, unable to find the tongs we went through multiple stages of trying to pick up the coals/ flick the coals only burning the carpet more (still very drunk) and soon we got the coals on a towel. Another stupid move, for the coals burned through the towel back onto the carpet. Just to finish this off becsaue its getting way to damn long, cut out squares in the carpet of where the burns were, grabbed some more carpet and super glues it back in its place. Cant even tell anything happend laugh.gif ... Unless your looking for it.... Moral of the story, alcohol is bad huh.gif  

Hope you guys find some enjoyment out of my pain! Edited by MeMyselfAndMark
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ROFLMAO That's hilarious! It sounds a lot like what I do almost every weekend minus the property damage - I pack up my 32" KM and my Gamecube and head over to my coworker's house in the middle of nowhere and we have some beers (not TOO many, I do have hookah to attend to), hookah, and play SSBM. His rottweiler(sp?)-pitbull mix is a very excitable dog and likes running around like crazy and crashing into the coffee table, making me pause the game, grab the stem and plead with the dog to stop thumping on the base with his baseball bat of a tail laugh.gif Nothing bad's come of it yet... but I should REALLY invest in a windcover that'll fit my funnel bowl.
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