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Favorite Mixes

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I haven't mixed yet, but once I get my main staple of 3-4 flavors, I plan to mix constantly.  I really want to try GS AF esk Apple/ with AF Strawberry, Strawberry/AF Grape and Fumari Watermelon/ White Peach.
I know a lot of people, including ashan on this site, love Orange/Cola.
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I like to keep Al Waha Cola and Vanilla on hand at all times to mix. These pretty much go well with any other flavor out there.
I guess my favorites would have to be Vanilla mixed with Orange. Al Waha orange is typically a pretty strong flavor, and the vanilla tones it down well.
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well I ordered 3 flavors from fumari, watermelon, canteloupe melon, kiwi and sour apple... samplers of course! just want to try if any of them I like I will update you guys on them. I should have tried white peach, I've read posts where people claim to have liked it a lot!!! but one doode gave a 10 to watermelon so I'm glad I got that. I also have AF cherry and strawberry... I've mixed those two before... nothing special... it doesn't really blend into a noticible StrawCherry, and I haven't yet learned how to pack a bowl and regulate coal heat yet... so I wish to accomplish that before my fumari flavors get to me b/c I don't wanna smoke burnt ass tobacco rather than good evaporated moisture. I've read some helpful posts here and there in this forum, I love this place... no one here is an ass!@#$ and people actually try to help out... thanx a lot guys!
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[quote name='HooKendo']Orange cappuccino anyone?  The orange gives a nice, fresh finish to the much heavier cappuccino.  Muy excellente![/quote]
never tried that mix but it shure sounds good i use to add some banana with cappuchino 40% banana -60% cappuhino and thats a real nice smoke after a nice dinner
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hey lokix, I agree compeltely.  usually on a forum ther is an a$$ or two, but not here.  eveyone loves to be friendly, help out, even take the time to trade!
i love af straw and af cherry both on their own but have never tried to mix it...you should definitely try the fumari white peach if you get a chance, but the watermelon is amazing. you'll find plenty of tips on here in terms of hole sizes and patterns that work for different people to help regulate the heat depending on the coal being used...you'll have to try for yourself but read aroubd, you'll find my latest successful pattern as well as NERVs pattern too....good luck and PM with any questions!
I haven't really mixed yet but I bet af straw and gs af esk apple would be amazing.
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I occasionally go with a cherry and apple mix. Comes out pretty good.
Personally I don't like mixes and tend to avoid them, you tend to get a compensated flavour, rather than an improved one. What I mean by this is that You'll do the sum 1+1 and end up with 1.7
If you really want to feel a nice mix, then perhaps have 2 shishas running with two flavours, and take in both hoses at the same time or have one after the other.
Otherwise, stick to the pure flavours, and you'll smoke it how it's meant to be smoked.
perhaps this is a reason why 'mixed fruit' flavour m3assal is always a disappointment and never quite hits the spot
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or buy that double bowl from smokinghookah.com  i dont know if its ok but tobbsman said that its kinda small and i think he has made one of his own-when do you start the production tobbs ?
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Lemon/Mint (must be AF, the sultan mint tasted like ben gay to me)
Arc Sous/ AF Gold Apple

anytime I would have put Vanilla in, I now use Caramel; similar taste, but a bit stronger

and every now and then I take a pinch of 7 or 8 flavors and put them in
the bowl without mixing for a kaleidoscope effect. Your mileage may
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just remember when ppl talking about double apple- i had a favorit some years ago(when i only could get nakhla up here -nakhla cherry + 20% el basha licorice it turned out really nice like a double cherry if you know what i mean -so if you got these two at home -give it a try
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Every time I fix a bowl, I have a little left over that I don't return to the bag. Instead I used to put them in a little zip-loc. After several weeks I would have different flavors collected in this bag and just smoke it. Too bad it always tasted toxic and I don't do it anymore. One mix I was impressed with was Nakhla lemon and vanilla. I'd say about 60% lemon and 4% vanilla. Almost like a key lime pie, only with lemon instead of lime.
MR Bubble
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  • 5 months later...
My mixes are AW coffe and HH vanilla... came out really good. HH orange
and vanilla... i liked it, but I wasn't what I was hoping for which was
like an orange sherbert. And my all time fav at the moment is Layalina
strawberry and banana and HH vanilla I was tring for something like a
banana split but got something close, but I think the taste is far
better then what I was hoping for. All 3 flavors are mixed in equal
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I love blending tobaccos (both for the hookah and for the common tobacco pipe), and I'm a big fan of the following blends:I've been smoking a lot of this of late. I blend Al-Waha Rose and Al-Waha Honey, at about 20% Rose to 80% Honey. This blend provides a very pleasant flavor that that I like to describe as "sweet rose". It seems to appeal to a lot of my female hookah buddies, and a friend of mine referred to it as "candy-like".A derivative of the first blend is 20% Rose to 70% Honey to 10% Mint, all of which use Al-Waha. This combination gives the same sweet rosy flavor, with just a hint of minty freshness.I also like Hookah-Hookah Cavendish blended with Al-Waha Rose, also at about 80% Cavendish to 20% Rose. Al-Waha's product is at times very strongly flavored (especially the Mint), and it's nice to blend in something that makes it a bit less overpowering. The Cavendish is good for this, though I'm a bit biased in its favor due to my enjoyment of the occasional pipe of traditional (at least from an American point of view) tobacco. I heart my Meerschaum!Another favorite is a blend of Hookah-Hookah Vanilla with Al-Waha Coffee, at about 50% Vanilla to 50% Coffee. This one's very tasty in my opinion, and makes for a very nice evening smoke.Unfortunately, my choices of brands and flavors are somewhat limited to what the local stores carry. I'm fortunate enough to live in a town with a few great local stores that cater to folks from the Middle East, but all they carry is Nakhla and over-priced hookahs. The local headshop carries both Al-Waha and Hookah-Hookah brands, with a pretty decent selection of flavors to boot. (Time for a shameless plug) I highly recommend anybody in the Bloomington, Indiana area check out Amused Clothing! It's a great store with all sorts of nice smoking supplies for both the hookah and....other smokables. The people who work there are very friendly and helpful, and I always enjoy my visits (end shameless plug).Hopefully in the future I’ll be able to afford to do some online shopping for the higher-quality brands that I keep hearing about on this forum, and I’ll be sure to post any good blends that I discover!
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